iPhone 4 Reception Problems

The iPhone 4 was launched yesterday, and it seems that there are issues with the reception when the phone is held in a certain manner.

Here is a video that better explains this.

What is really interesting about this is that someone wrote an email to Steve Jobs asking him about the issue, and Jobs responded saying – “Just avoid holding it in that way”.

I found it quite amazing that Steve Jobs replied to that email, and the solution is holding the phone in a different manner!

There is another way of getting rid of the problem and that is by using a $29 rubber bumper, which means that if there is no contact between the hand and the phone – it works fine.

It looks like this problem existed with the earlier versions of the phone as well, and the Nexus one had a similar problem as well.

I came across this when I saw that iPhone 4 was a trending topic on Twitter, and happened to click on it. I was amazed at range and passion of people’s comments about the iPhone 4 in general and this issue in particular.

3 thoughts on “iPhone 4 Reception Problems”

    1. I have a friend who bought iPhone 4 about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and she says that although this thing is easy to replicate, it doesn’t impact her in daily usage at all. I think that is what most people will find. The issue is easy to replicate but doesn’t impact you in daily usage.

      If you put a bumper or any other jacket on the phone then there is no loss of signal at all.

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