Crores to Millions Calculator

I have often felt the need to calculate numbers from Crores to Millions because I feel its easier to make sense of larger numbers in millions and billions. Isn’t Rs. 1 trillion much better than 1 lakh crore?

If you think in terms of Millions of Dollars then it also simplifies comparison across geographies. With that in mind I made this simple calculator that will take your input in Rs. Crores and then convert the number into millions and billions of INR and USD.

I’ve started with an exchange rate of 1 USD to 54 Rupees but you have the ability to change that.

Enter Crores
Exchange Rate

In Millions of INR
In Billions of INR
In Millions of USD
In Billions of USD

73 thoughts on “Crores to Millions Calculator”

  1. It is best calculator to convert Indian crores to Millions. I was thinking that converting big amount into millions is tedious work but your calculator done work for me! Thanks.

  2. Found it very useful. Will be further useful if it can also convert INR in Lakhs to Milllion of USD as many of the balance sheets present their numbers in Lakhs of Rupees.

  3. If we get the same in excel it would be great. And some tips on how we can covert millions to billions asap with less confusion.

    1. 100 crores is a billion and 1 lakh crore is a trillion so you can use that for quick calculations. I don’t have this in Excel and won’t have the time to convert it in Excel either, unless someone else wants to do it….Sorry.

    1. Yeah, I struggle with that a lot myself, 100 crores is a billion 1 lakh crores is a trillion and a few other quick mental notes to help me do quick conversions but it gets fairly confusing quite quickly, especially if you deal with a big set of numbers.

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