Book Review: Makers: The New Industrial Revolution

Makers is the most amazing book I’ve read in recent times, and I’m not surprised that I liked this so much because it is about one of the things I’m quite fascinated with viz. 3D printing.

The book is by Wired editor Chris Anderson who is actually in the process of quitting Wired and doing his startup which is around 3D printing full time.

Chris Anderson takes a look at the current state of 3D printing, traces its history and talks about how this is changing the way manufacturing is done currently, and what it means for the industrial economies of the future.

For a long time now, people have been saying that the future of manufacturing is no longer assembly lines, and this book does a lot more than that in terms of showing what people are currently doing with this technology and how much it could potentially change our lives in the future.

I learned about a lot of new things from the book in terms of things currently done like the Kickstarter project, 3D printing in biology, how cheap 3D printers were, additive and subtractive technologies, CNC machines, laser cutters etc. but most of all the macro view on how all this is changing our lives and what manufacturing could look like is very insightful and I don’t think it has even been written before.

It shouldn’t surprise you then that Makers also figures in FT’s list of best books of 2012. I highly recommend this book and will end this short review with small passage from the book that sums it up nicely.

the Third Industrial Revolution is best seen as the combination of digital manufacturing and personal manufacturing: the industrialization of the Maker Movement.

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Makers: The New Industrial Revolution”

  1. Hello,

    I read about Quantitative easing and Fiscal Cliff in US. Can you please explain the same.


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