Donkey ambulances, powerful cities and twin suns

This week I read a very interesting story about the potential use of donkey ambulances in Afghanistan, and the story touched upon how people in rich countries donate stuff to under developed countries that aren’t really suitable for them, and despite all good intentions – the efforts and money go waste. There are several inexpensive examples of useful technology in the article, and I loved some of the innovative thinking talked about there.

Next up, this slideshow of the 25 economically most powerful cities in the world. You would have guessed either Tokyo or New York to be top, and you would have been correct, you would have expected a healthy sprinkling of Chinese cities and you would have been correct there too, but you probably wouldn’t have thought Seoul is number 10 and there’s not even a single Indian city in there.

By now you have probably read of the discovery of the planet with two suns, and also of the popular Star Wars image the discovery evokes. Brilliant and beautiful.

Back on earth, Hemant writes about 15 kinds of risk you could face in your investment, CA club writes about reverse mortgages, and Roger Nusbaum contemplates how many funds should a portfolio have.

And finally, here is something relevant with the recent petrol price hikes.

Enjoy your weekend!

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