Month: October 2012

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Reason for Difference in Moneycontrol Mutual Fund Numbers
in Investments

I wrote about how the mutual fund return numbers from Moneycontrol were a bit different from those of Value Research and Morningstar yesterday, and that I wasn’t sure why that’s the case. Invest Mutual who had helped with the post yesterday, researched some more and found that it was just because of different dates. He
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Variation in mutual fund return numbers
in Mutual Funds

Austere posted a comment a few days ago which spoke about mutual fund returns being different for the same fund in different websites, and even within the same website. Here is the comment: austere October 15, 2012 at 6:10 pm [edit] Hi, I’m confused, can you help? was reviewing mf’s, and noticed a perplexing thing–take
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Of retirements, passwords and 3D printing labs
in Links

Let’s start this week with a very different type of retirement article which was published in the WSJ last week. This is an article about a couple who have sold their house and most other possessions in California, and no longer have a permanent home. They live in different countries for short periods of time,
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Goldman Sachs India Equity Fund NFO
in Mutual Funds

Goldman Sachs is coming out with a new mutual fund called the Goldman Sachs India Equity Fund, and the NFO (New Fund Offer) for this scheme starts on October 17th 2012, and ends on October 31st 2012. This is an actively managed equity mutual fund which means that this fund will primarily invest in shares,
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Promoter Pledges: A Red Flag For Investing in a Share
in Investments

On Monday I wrote about debt recast, and one the two companies mentioned in the original comment requesting the post was Suzlon which reminded me of another post I had done more than one and a half years ago. That post was about three things you should look at if you want to analyze individual
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Interest Payment Dates of Infrastructure Bonds Issued in 2011-12
in Fixed Deposits

This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] Tax Saving Infrastructure Bonds u/s 80CCF were in high demand last year. As many as twelve infrastructure bond issues came for subscription and many of the investors just kept
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Understanding what Debt Recast means with Kingfisher Airlines Example
in Credit

Karthik posted the the following comment a few days ago: Karthik Reddy Chintaparthi October 15, 2012 at 5:12 pm [edit] Hi Manshu, Offlate I have been listening many “Debt Recast” by banks to some of the institutions like Kingfisher, may be Suzlon. Could you please post a detailed article on this debt recast ? Will
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