Month: June 2013
Below are all the posts archived for the month.
Weekend Links June 28 2013
in Links
The best thing I’ve read this week is this column by Jason Zweig on Saving investors from themselves. He talks about how the financial press is at odds with what is really useful for investors, and I think this is something that all of us should read a few times and remember it well. HBR on How
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Why Government bond yields have suddenly started rising here in India?
in Economy
This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] I think retail investors in India can never make money out of any market-linked financial asset, be it stock market or debt market or forex market
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On why people lose money in the markets
in Investments
I got the following question in the Forum yesterday, and it is a great example of common investor psychology, and the need for SIPs. With the markets losing ground, is it a good strategy to switch to Debt funds from Equity Funds? I have invested in equity funds (Reliance TOP 200 and Reliance Regular Savings Funds), I
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Will reducing gold imports help the Indian economy?
in Economy
Nagu43 posted the following comment today, and I thought these are interesting questions that are relevant to today’s economic environment. I have few questions, haven’t come across post on these topics, Pls share links to post incase I have missed. What’s wrong with Indian Economy Why is Indian GDP low than that of other developing
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Resumption of Email Delivery
in Announcements
Long time readers will remember that there was a lot of problem with OneMint going down a few months ago. I had upgraded to a much better server and the problems had stopped. However, the problem resurfaced, and I got completely exasperated. I’ve changed hosts now, and moved to Synthesis Webhosting. So far it is
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How to fill Excel ITR 1 Form?
in Links
There is a lot of interest in learning about filing taxes online, and very little good information available online. Bemoneyaware has done a couple of posts dealing with this subject and I think it is a good reference for anyone who needs to do this. Here are the links to the two posts: Fill Excel
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Weekend links: June 14 2013
in Links
Dinesh Thakur has a great op-ed in the Hindu about the all pervasive damage that India’s chalta hai and jugaad attitude has. Pattu has created a great comprehensive fixed deposit calculator. It seems like the situation is going to come to a conclusion in Turkey: Turkey’s leader issues ‘final warning’ to Gezi Park protesters Economist talks about Pakistan’s
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Short term measures to stem the Rupee slide won’t work
in Economy
I’ve wrote about the Rupee fall yesterday, and I also described the factors causing the Rupee fall more than a year ago. I think the factors listed in that post are still valid, but due to the political process, and short term thinking, not much is being done about it. There have been some short
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Why NRIs shouldn’t rejoice the Rupee fall?
in Economy
The rupee fell to all time lows yesterday, and while on the face of it — that is great for exporters and people earning in dollars, I don’t think NRIs should be too happy about this recent fall. A little more than a year ago I wrote a post explaining why the Rupee is falling,
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Which countries does India import oil from?
in Economy
A friend of mine asked me this question today, and I didn’t remember the answer but I did remember that I had written about this subject some time ago. I had written a post back in September 2010 comparing the sources of crude oil for India and the US. However, there has been a major
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