Month: August 2013

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

SREI Infra 11.75% NCDs Issue – August 2013
in Investments

This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited is going to launch its second public issue of non-convertible debentures (NCDs) of the current financial year 2013-14 from Monday, August 24th.
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REC 8.71% Tax-Free Bonds Issue – August 2013
in Investments

This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) will be launching the first public issue of tax-free bonds for the current financial year from 30th of this month. The company
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IDBI Tax Saving Fund – ELSS u/s 80C
in Tax

This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] IDBI Mutual Fund has come up with a new fund offer (NFO) of its open-ended equity-linked savings scheme (ELSS), IDBI Tax Saving Fund, from August 20th.
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Weekend Links August 23 2013
in Links

It is amazing to think that children could write to Einstein and receive a thoughtful response. I really loved this letter about whether scientists pray or not.  This was a painful editorial to read, but how very true, if there was one project that showed why you shouldn’t invest in India, it was this. Livemint
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On Market Fluctuations
in Opinion

Yesterday was an extremely volatile day at the markets, and while I often remind myself that it is the nature of markets to surprise you, I can never fully take that advice myself, and am always surprised by some of these crazy movements. I don’t think there was a single person who could have predicted
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A time to disinvest?
in Opinion

Rupee has been in a free fall for quite some time now and the government and RBI reaction to the daily price movement is far more frustrating than the Rupee fall itself. From banning TV imports to squeezing out liquidity – the authorities have not taken a single step to address the structural problems that
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Creating a crisis where there is none
in Economy

I was really surprised to read today that the government has banned the duty-free import of high-end flat screen (LCD/LED) plasma television sets  effective August 26th in a bid to save the falling Rupee. From about the middle of July when the RBI introduced unusual steps to squeeze out liquidity from the system, the Rupee has been
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Thoughts on Current Indian Equity Environment
in Opinion

Indian stocks have done terribly in the past few years, and the only people who are up on their equity investments are those who have invested in stocks heavily during market crashes, or the ones who added money to their SIPs during the crashes. Other than that everyone has had negative returns on their stocks.
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