Month: May 2014
Below are all the posts archived for the month.
Weekend Links May 30th 2014
in Links
Let’s start this week with a touching story about a beluga whale who mimicked human language, and possibly tried to communicate with humans. This story reminded of the documentary “Blackfish” which is a very touching story about a killer whale in captivity, and if you get a chance to watch it, I highly recommend that you
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How to calculate return on an insurance policy?
in Insurance
Colin posted the following comment on the Suggest a Topic page yesterday: Colin May 28, 2014 at 1:04 pm [edit] I have a real tough time to measure the current value of insurance-linked products that provide payback after the 20-25 year period. Is there a way to do this easily? How should i evaluate whether its worth
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Claim Settlement Ratio of Life Insurers 2012 – 13
in Insurance
When I wrote the post about LIC’s online term insurance yesterday, I said that I would myself opt for a much cheaper private insurer and that’s because all of them essentially offer the same thing. The reason behind that a lot of the private life insurance companies are settling claims at a good rate, and while none of
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Thoughts on LIC’s new online term insurance
in Insurance
LIC announced its second online product a few days ago, which is its online term insurance plan called LIC’s e-Term Plan. LIC introducing an online term plan must be a bitter sweet feeling for the private players who already offer online term plans. While it validates the product they originally came up with, and shows
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Announcing OneMint Financial Planning Services
in Announcements
Shiv and I have been working with some paid clients during the last few months, and have been experimenting with various type of services, and we are now ready to announce this on the blog, and reach out to a wider audience. There are two services that we are going to offer, and I’m going
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Muthoot Finance 11.75% NCDs – May 2014 Issue
in Investments
This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] Muthoot Finance Limited will be hitting the streets again next week to raise Rs. 500 crore in the public issue of its non-convertible debentures (NCDs). The
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Shoelaces revamp Nano to drink an IPA
in Links
Let’s start this week with The Economist which wishes Mr. Modi well, and highlights what can go wrong, and also what he needs to do to get things right. Next, an interesting article from Al Jazeera which talks about what a Modi win means for Nepal. I don’t think I’ve heard that angle being discussed anywhere else
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Of Brokerages and Sensex Targets
in Investments
One of the more futile functions of brokerages is to issue targets on indices, and to a lesser extent on stocks. Often these are horribly wrong and almost always, brokerages tend to issue a higher target when the market is going up, and revise it downwards when the market is going down. These days since the markets are going
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Weekend links May 17 2014
in Links
How can you start with anything other than the big news this week, and like most of you, I have gone through several stories about the election, and for this post I finally settled on selecting three links that I thought were insightful and covered a broad array of subjects related to the Modi win.
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There is a tide in the affairs of men
in Opinion
The extent and comprehensiveness of Mr. Modi and BJP’s victory has surprised everyone, and raised the hopes from his government even more than they already were. Indeed, when one party gets a clear majority in 30 years — hopes and expectations are bound to be high, and when that majority is driven by a leader who appears
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