Month: June 2014

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Edelweiss’ ECL Finance Limited 12% NCDs – June 2014 Issue
in Investments

This post is written by Shiv Kukreja, who is a Certified Financial Planner and runs a financial planning firm, Ojas Capital in Delhi/NCR. He can be reached at [email protected] Edelweiss Financial Services’ subsidiary, ECL Finance Limited, came out with its first NCD issue in January this year and the issue got oversubscribed on the 2nd
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Weekend Links – June 13 2014
in Links

Let’s start this week with perhaps the most significant event of the week – a computer passes the Turing test.  The Turing test is a simple and elegant way of judging the extent of artificial intelligence, and a computer passes this test when in conversations with humans it deceives them into thinking that they are
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One income tax change that the Narendra Modi government needs to bring
in Opinion

I don’t know how many readers will recognize this headline, but it is just one word changed from a recent headline in an ET article. The article in question talks about six changes they’d like to see and going through that article reminded of the very first draft of the Direct Tax Code which came out
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Some interesting facts about Israel’s Desalination Program
in Economy

I’ve heard interesting tidbits about Isreal’s desalination program over the years, but never realized how big it was, or how successful it was until recently when I came across this article which started with this impressive line: “After experiencing its driest winter on record, Israel is responding as never before — by doing nothing.” India and
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Thoughts on 100% FDI in Defense
in Economy

I was delighted to read that the government has already moved to allow 100% FDI in the defense sector, and I hope the measure passes, and doesn’t get stalled like multi brand FDI. Currently, India allows 26% FDI in defense but the policy is so restrictive and unfriendly to investors that hardly any FDI has been received
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Thoughts on retrospective taxation
in Opinion

The market has been doing quite well the past few months, and the hope is that the new government brings out policies, and clears roadblocks that further encourage investment, and in turn encourages FII money in the country, and help the overall economy as well. With today’s globalized economy, it is no surprise that foreign governments and
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