Economy and your Finances Carnival Oct 11 2009

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Welcome to the October 11, 2009 edition of this carnival.

Billeater presents 3 Ways To Save Money Without Sacrificing Insurance Coverage posted at Billeater. presents Are You Irresponsible with Your Credit Card? posted at SpendOnLife.

Ben presents Bond Investing Overview posted at Money Smart Life.

R.J. Weiss presents Coinsurance- Definition and Formula posted at Gen Y Wealth.

Dave Damron presents A Week on $20: 1/2 Success 1/2 Failure posted at LifeExcursion.

Olivia Hamilton Montgomery presents Can you say… Hyperbuzz? posted at eCommerceGal’s Blog, saying, “Watch for this buzz. Blastoff Network is a hot new social network that’s about to pre-launch with major corporate backing, expecting about a million people their first month. What’s even better is they pay their members. Gee, that’s pretty darn cool! You can join the buzz and get paid starting Oct. 12th at But please, read on…”


PT presents What Makes a Good 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card posted at Prime Time Money.

Mr Credit Card presents Chase Slate Card with BluePrint Review posted at Ask Mr Credit Card.

Tom Drake presents Insurance You Can Do Without – Credit Life Insurance posted at The Canadian Finance Blog, saying, “Credit life insurance is purchased so that the balance of your car loan or credit line would be covered if you die before your debt is paid.”


BWL presents Is Capitalism “Anti-Jesus”? posted at Christian Personal Finance, saying, “Michael Moore was recently quoted as saying that Capitalism is Anti-Jesus – what do you think?”

Lynnae presents Is Your Escrow Money Safe? Maybe Not. posted at, saying, “This is the borrower’s view of what happens when a mortgage company goes bankrupt.”

Retirement Savior presents Moneywatch Writer Misunderstands Economics posted at Retirement Savior, saying, “Mainstream PF writers need to understand economics. Here is what they got wrong.”

nissim ziv presents Planning a Second Career Strategy posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, “These days, many people plan to change careers. Their current career turns out to be unsatisfying or the market recession drives them to look for a new career – they start planning a second career.”

Cooupon Artist presents Trade Wars With China? posted at camoney.


Mike @ GLBL presents Top Ten Canadian Dividend Stocks posted at The Financial Blogger, saying, “I recently completed some research among the best dividend paying stocks on the TSX and pulled out the top 10 Canadian dividend stocks (I must say it helps a lot to have a friend working on a trading desk…”

Mike Piper presents Reasons Not to Rollover a 401k posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, “A quick look at three situations in which it does not make sense to rollover a 401k into an IRA after leaving a job.”

Jeff Rose presents What Are Your Options for a 401k Rollover to IRA? posted at Jeff Rose, saying, “When you leave your job, either voluntary or not, you have to make an important decision regarding your 401(k).”

Nash Dadameah presents Is This The Time To Invest In Gold? posted at, saying, “Gold as an alternative investment to stocks. As the price of gold is rising, now may be the time to invest in gold.”

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Online Stock Trading With Zecco: 20 Free Trades Offer posted at The Digerati Life,

Jim presents New ING Direct Value Added CD posted at Bargaineering

DR presents List of No Penalty CD (Certificates of Deposit) Rates posted at The Dough Roller

The Financial Blogger presents Real Return Bonds and Gold: How to Hedge Yourself against Inflation posted at The Financial Blogger, saying, “Best ways to protect yourself from inflation:
#1 Buying real return bonds (hedged against inflation
#2 Buy gold (a natural hedge against inflation)”

The Smarter Wallet presents MarketClub Stock Trading System For Active Investors and Traders posted at The Smarter Wallet.

The Investor presents Admit it: You miss the market meltdown posted at, saying, “A little dirty secret: For many finance and money geeks, the stock market crash of 2008 was super exciting. Why?”

Darwin presents Gold Hype? You’re Being Taken for a Ride posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “The Gold Rush is On! Well, don’t fall for the hype – this article puts the gold hype into perspective and provides alternatives to capitalize on the underlying cause: a weak US Dollar”

Personal Finance

Big Larry presents Teaching Kids to Save Now Helps Them Set Lifetime Patterns posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, “Like most of us, you learned a lot of lessons about money the hard way. Personal finance isn’t taught in school and many of our parents didn’t teach us much about managing our money either. Now that we have kids of our own, it’s time to change that pattern!”

CreditCardAssist presents The Art of Credit Card Skimming posted at Credit Card Assist, saying, “Post that describes credit card skimming, who actually does it and how to avoid it.”

Ray @ Financial Highway presents Probate- Why and How to Avoid Probate Fees posted at Financial Highway, saying, “Probate fees take up a large chunk of ones estate, however one can avoid or reduce probate fees legally, find out how and why you should reduce probate fees.”

Karthik Guruchandran presents How to make most out of you and your money posted at KARTHIK RAJ G, saying, “Read about my views on how to make most out of you and your money here…”

Buck Weber presents How To Save Money After You Die posted at THE BUCK LIST, saying, “Eternal frugality? Not quite, but there are plenty of ways to hold down costs from the time of your death until final disposition of your remains.”

Peak Personal Finance presents Finding the Right Tax Balance posted at Peak Personal Finance.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of onemint – economy and your finances using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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