Interesting Reads – 7th February

Valentine’s Day has made some of us think about things other than the current recession and other sad things that go with it.

I was especially touched, when I read about Kim and her Grandmother this week. Very lovely story.

Some other stuff from around the web:

1. Consumer Confidence Index: Any Signs of Economic Recovery by The Smarter Wallet: A hidden silver lining in the plethora of bad news.

2. Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas by The Digerati Life: A great article about Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas.

3. How The Economic Stimulus Check Affects your 2008 Tax Return by Cash Money Life: This is a very detailed article related to tax returns and stimulus checks.

4. Poor 10 – year Stock Returns is Not Unprecedented by Canadian Capitalist: A fresh look at the current stock market downfall.

5. Using Tax Loss Harvesting to Find Dividend Bargains by Dividend Growth Investor: This is a useful concept and people who are reeling from the stock market downturn and make use of this.

6. Top 50 Investing Blogs by The Dividend Guy: I added a lot of blogs from this list.

7. Definition and Examples of Arbitrage Trading from the Investing School: This post tells you about arbitrage trading with real examples and how you can make money out of it.

8. Positive Influence of Saving Money by MoneyNing: MoneyNing talks about the positive influences of thrift.

9. What is the best Porfolio Rebalancing Strategy by Moolanomy: This article discusses asset allocation with respect to the other factors that determine it.

10. Education is a Lifetime Endeavor by My Wealth Builder: I always like it when someone gives education the due it deserves.

3 thoughts on “Interesting Reads – 7th February”

  1. Hi Manshu – Thanks for mentioning my article and I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂 Since writing it I’ve been feeling a little melancholy.

    Thanks for you other links too. I liked the one about consumer confidence, how the last stimulus check affects our taxes, and the valentine’s gifts. I’ve never heard of Ebates before – looks like something to check out.

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