OneMint – Economy and Your Finances – April 5, 2009

Welcome to this edition of the carnival, as usual, there are some great entries here and I want to thank everyone for participating.

Mirza presents Mortgage Refinance: 4 Ways To Know Its Time to Refinance Your House. posted at Explanation Mortgage Types

Cody Butler presents What Is A Traditional IRA posted at Investment-For-Beginners Blog, saying, “What is a traditional IRA and who is it for?”

Diego Cervantes presents The Mutual Fund Toolbox: Top 50 Blogs, Portfolio Tools, and More posted at Bankling.

Ifvat presents How To Pick Stocks And Mutual Funds posted at ifvat, saying, “Anytime you buy stocks what you want to consider first is whether the underlying value is worth the price. Ignoring this one important piece, may very well cause your portfolio to spiral downward.”

Verna Morris presents How to Build a Simple and Effective All-ETF Portfolio | ETF Database posted at ETFdb.


Silicon Valley Blogger presents Discover Credit Card Rewards, Sign Up Bonuses and Holiday Promotions posted at The Digerati Life

Insurance Toolbox presents How to Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Loan posted at Fine-Tuned Finances.

PFCreditCards presents Credit Cards are Evil Just as Knives are Sharp posted at PF Credit Cards, saying, “If you are going to complain that credit cards are sharp, you might as well complain that knives are sharp as well”


Gavin R. Putland presents Employment tax credits: the ‘marginal’ approach to full employment posted at On Line Opinion.

Dana presents The Sky is Falling, But Whom to Blame? posted at Investoralist, saying, “Instead of focusing solely on the executives, the government, its regulators, the media, and education institutions all shoulder faults in the current financial crisis.”


etrades presents Why Buy Silver Bullion? posted at eTrades, saying, “Buying Silver Bullion is becoming hugely popular. At present, silver is relatively cheap if you compare it to the cost of gold. With it’s lower price, the vast majority of people can afford to buy greater quantities of it. If you compare it to gold, your average person may be able to afford 1 ounce whereas the same person purchasing silver could buy many more times that amount.”

Pinyo presents My Company Cut My 401K Matching Contribution, What’s Next? posted at Moolanomy.

Investing School presents Beginning with Options Trading posted at Investing School, saying, “Options can be an amazingly easy way to protect yourself and reduce risk. However, it can also be very dangerous if misused.”

Aussie Investor presents Asset Allocation – Investing By The Numbers posted at Australian Investing, saying, “What is Asset Allocation and how could it make you a better investor? The purpose of this post is to look at an investment strategy which may be useful for longer term investors. It provides a framework within which to make your investment decisions. And once you have your asset allocation strategy in place, it can help you to remove some of the emotion of buying and selling which takes place in your portfolio.”

Darwin presents How to Profit from Employee Stock Options Regardless of Share Performance posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “This article highlights how employees can capture income on their employee stock options regardless of how the shares perform in a down market.

Personal Finance

Nickel presents Lending Money to Family and Friends posted at

Money Tipper presents Monitor Bank Safety Online posted at Money Tipper.

Kelsey presents Legitimate Paid Surveys posted at Cash To Spend – Online Paid Surveys.

Credit Shout presents Best Gas Credit Cards posted at CreditShout.

John Howshall presents What To Do With Your 2009 Tax Refund posted at John’s Investing Tips.

ChristianPF presents First time home owner? This is a great year for it! posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “These are a few of the reasons that 2009 is shaping up to be a great year to buy!”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of OneMint – Economy and Your Finances using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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