Economy and Your Finances Carnival June 7 2009

Image by XaV

Welcome to this edition of the carnival, as usual, there are some great entries here and should make for some great Sunday reads.


Super Saver presents Saying Bye Bye to our Mortgage posted at My Wealth Builder.

Jeff Rose presents Should Father Open Line of Credit To Help Son? posted at Jeff Rose.

NetBiz presents How To Negotiate Credit Card Debt posted at Your Finish Rich Plan, saying, “These days credit card companies are much more open to negotiation”

nickel presents Beware the “No-Cost” Mortgage Refinance posted at

Four Pillars presents Is Dave Ramsey A “Financial Expert” posted at Quest For Four Pillars, saying, “A discussion of Dave Ramsey and his methods.”

Darwin presents 40 Year Mortgages – And 50 & 60 Year Mortgages While We’re at it posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “This article highlights little-known 40 year mortgage loans, pros, cons and covers how even 50 and 60 year loans exist now.”

Nancy Miller presents 25 Simple Tricks to painlessly cut $100 /mo from Your Spending posted at Online University Lowdown.


Scott H presents 10 Economic and Business Pro Tips from World of Warcraft posted at College and Finance, saying, “The economic recession, investor panic, and the numerous bailouts might have been avoided if only CEO’s and Wall Street traders weren’t n00bs, and had played World of Warcraft to learned these Pro Economic and Business lessons.”

TIE presents Pre-Theater Dinner Auctions posted at The Finance Buff, saying, “The Incidental Economist contemplates how to motivate diners in a crowded restaurant to give up their tables.”


Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents How to compare online brokers posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “Tips on how to find the best online brokerage for your needs.”

Patrick @ Military Money presents Roth Option for TSP Close to Reality posted at Military Finance Network, saying, “A new retirement investing option for military members and government employees is about to become a reality.”

ABC presents Investment Time Horizons for Retirees posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, “Discussing investment asset allocations and time horizons for retirees.”

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Online Discount Brokers: SmartMoney Broker Survey posted at The Digerati Life

The Smarter Wallet presents Technical Trading Indicators Predict That The Stock Market Rally Won’t Last posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, “Will this stock market rally last? Are the good times back?”

Zach Scheidt presents Genco Shipping – Coming Out of Hibernation posted at ZachStocks, saying, “Genco Shipping & Trading Limited (GNK) is breaking out of a long base as investors expect an economic recovery. The stock may have room to run with an attractive valuation”

Investing School presents TradeKing vs Scottrade – Online Stock Trading Comparison posted at Investing School, saying, “Many people ask me whether Scottrade or TradeKing is better. Here’s a comparison for you.”

Personal Finance

Flea presents Be A Survivor: 15 More Simple Ways To Save Money posted at Be A Survivor.

Wealth-Ed presents Can American Banks Bounce Back posted at Wealth Education – Investment Ideas Personal Financial Advice.

jared presents General Growth Continues Restructuring Efforts posted at Wealth Education – Investment Ideas Personal Financial Advice.

Praveen presents Easy Ways to Generate Cash posted at My Simple Trading System.

Ben presents 5 Money Rules from Liz Weston posted at Money Smart Life.

Matthew Paulson presents 4 Reasons to Question Buying a Vehicle from GM or Chrysler posted at American Consumer News.

PT presents High-Yield Savings Account Mini-Reviews posted at Prime Time Money, saying, “What you need to know about the online, high-yield savings account options.”

Patrick @ Money Saving Deals presents $50 ING Checking Account Bonus posted at Cash Money Life Deals, saying, “Get $50 for opening a new ING Electric Orange Checking Account.”

Lucy presents Basic Kinds Of Honeymoon Resorts posted at Wedding Tips, saying, “Intro to different honeymoon ideas.”

SpendingIt presents The Three Biggest Opportunities to Save Money posted at Spending It.

David presents Fidelity Rewards American Express® Cards | 2% Cash Back posted at Credit Card Offers IQ, saying, “The Fidelity Rewards American Express card pays 2% cash back on all purchases. Rewards are deposited into a linked Fidelity IRA, 529 or brokerage account.”

The Dough Roller presents List of Low Interest Credit Cards posted at The Dough Roller, saying, “Even in a difficult credit market, low interest credit cards can still be found. Here’s a review of some of the top low interest rate credit cards.”

The Budgeter presents Let the Bad Press on the Economy Work in Your Favor posted at Keep Your Cash, saying, “The recession, while painful, can help you find bargains when you are out shopping.”

John R. presents What the Credit Card Bill of Rights Means for You posted at Live Money Smart, saying, “The Credit CARD Act of 2009: What it is, and how it will affect you and your finances.”

MoneyNing presents How to Save Money on Your Wedding posted at Money Ning, saying, “We go through the big day at least once but many people think it’s one of the most expensive days of our lives. Here are some tips that will help reduce the expenses of this important day.”

Mike presents The Collapsing Treasuries Market Is Signaling Change posted at Bear Market Profits, saying, “The yields on government bonds are rising and this will alter the markets.”

David presents Discover Card Doubles Rewards for Military Families posted at Credit Card Offers IQ, saying, “Discover Card is doubling cash back and points rewards this summer for families in the military.”

Raag Vamdatt presents Birth of a child – how should your financial planning change? :: :: Financial Planning demystified posted at

Chris presents Expenses that come with owning your first home posted at Home I Own.

MoneyNing presents Coupon Tip – Making Sure It’s Always Available posted at Money Ning, saying, “Sometimes, a simple tip can really save you tons of money.”

Woman Tribune presents How Newlyweds Can Minimize Financial Stress posted at Woman Tribune.

Debt Wizard presents The Best Credit Card Is A Check Card posted at Money Help, saying, “It is better to get used to using check cards than credit cards for your everyday spending.”

ChristianPF presents What is the best way to save money? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “What is your favorite money saving tip? Share it to enter to win a $40 gift card…”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of OneMint – Economy and Your Finances using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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