Interesting Reads July 25 2009

IPO’s are really hot in China right now and very soon they are going to come out with the biggest IPO in the world ever — Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC),  worth $19 billion dollars.

I was really keen on learning about these IPOs and was hunting for their prospectus. Finally I found this story in Bloomberg on China Shipbuilding IPO, which led me to its prospectus.

I downloaded the huge document and found that all 396 pages were blank. Adobe helpfully suggested that I download a 20 MB plugin to display the font on the prospectus. I downloaded and installed it, only to find out that the prospectus is written in some Chinese language! I don’t know why it didn’t strike me that it was not going to be English, but that’s how it is.

I just scrolled the pages out of curiosity and was a little surprised to see that the general layout of the prospectus seemed to be similar to a 10 – k filing or how a prospectus for an Indian company would look like. There seemed to be something like a glossary, they had figures for CAGR growth, Balance sheet for a few years and so on.

I wish I could read it, but I don’t think I will be able to learn that language any time soon. Here are some posts that I could read though, and I hope you like them.

Stock Trader Find Speed Pays, in Milliseconds @ NYT — By now, you may have probably read this article, but if you haven’t, I think you definitely should.

Building wealth: stay invested to catch the winning days @ Vilkri

What are the best credit card rewards programs? @ The Digerati Life

After Peak Finance: Larry Summers’ Bubble @ Baselinescenario

What risk models are useful @ Ajay Shah

New York Times suffering from Body Dysmorphia @ The Reformed Broker

Stop trying to impress other people @ The Simple Dollar

Using Credit Cards to rebuild your score @ Cash Money Life

Should you re-invest your dividends @ The Dividend Guy

Will the real FICO score please stand up? @ Dough Roller

Carnival of Twenty Something Finances @ Ginger Corsair

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