Interesting Reads: Starlight Edition

Jessie from Jessie’s Money wrote about moving her horse about a week ago, and I was so intrigued by that post, that I requested her to write about her horse some more.

She did write about it, and here is that wonderful post. Her horse is named Starlight, and here’s a picture.

Starlight 027

I never had a horse, so I was really keen on reading that post. The only pets I’ve ever had were rabbits, and that was a long time ago. Since, rabbits multiply at the speed of light, and we lived in New Delhi, a crowded city; I couldn’t keep my rabbits for long. I had them for about one and a half years, and had to give them away. Some day I’ll have rabbits again, but I don’t see that happening in the near future.

I can go on about rabbits for hours, so let me just take a break, and move on to other interesting stuff from the blogosphere this week.


My Dog, and Your Next Dog @ BaselineScenario

Are you FDIC Insured? Make Sure Your Money is Safe @ Banker Saver

Building a retirement portfolio @ Investing Toolkit

Stock Market Timing: Advice for Investors @ The Digerati Life

How to build good credit and clean up bad credit @ The Smarter Wallet

Investing and the Government @ The Dividend Guy

A College Degree Does Not Guarantee a Job @ Cash Money Life

List of Free Prepaid Cards @ Dough Roller


Carnival of 20 Something Finances

Carnival of Financial Planning

Stories about Money

3 thoughts on “Interesting Reads: Starlight Edition”

  1. Great post on Starlight, I’m glad you enjoyed reading about her.

    It was neat to hear where your interest came for. I actually started out having a rabbit, and progressed into larger animals! Thanks for sharing your history, and these other great posts!

  2. I liked this post a lot, especially the snippet on Jessie’s horse! 🙂 And yeah…that’s a very sweet looking horse, too. 😀

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