Economy and Your Finances Carnival 27th September

Image by KP Tyson

Welcome to the September 27, 2009 edition of this carnival. I hope you are having a good Sunday, and here are some great posts to make it better.

Debt presents Credit Recipes: Cooking up Credit Score Greatness posted at SpendOnLife.

Tom Tessin presents How to Get Out of Debt Fast and Easy posted at FSC Blog, saying, “Simple, yet effective ways to get out of debt in no time.”

Ray @ Financial Highway presents Basics of Credit Score and Credit Report and How often to Check posted at Financial Highway.

PT presents 5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score posted at Prime Time Money.

Smarter Wallet presents Lending Club Review: Lending Money For Profit posted at The Smarter Wallet

Tom Drake presents Increasing Your Mortgage Payment | The Canadian Finance Blog posted at The Canadian Finance Blog, saying, “By increasing your bi-weekly payment, you would pay less interest and pay your mortgage off sooner.”

oneadvice presents Losing Sleep Over Unsecured Debt? posted at One Advice, saying, “Are you losing sleep over unsecured debt? See how you can tackle your debt and learn to love the ZzzZZzz’s again…”


BWL presents Obama’s healthcare plan – your thoughts? posted at Christian Personal Finance, saying, “What do you think about Obamacare? Are you for it or against it?”

Ray @ Financial Highway presents Is This A Double Dip Recession? posted at Financial Highway.

Banker Saver presents TARP Bailout Funds: How Have Banks Used Taxpayers’ Money? posted at Banker Saver.

nissim ziv presents How to recruit employees? Tips for recruiting employees posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, “There are two types of companies – those that are growing and those that are slowly dying. As the world is run by the ‘people’, and any firm’s potential of successful growth or failure depends upon how efficient its employees are.”


Joshua Dorkin presents Rehabbers! Know ALL the Costs to Flip that House posted at Real Estate Investing For Real.

Mike Piper presents How to Rollover a 401k into an IRA posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, “A step-by-step guide on rolling a 401(k) account into an IRA. Also includes tips on pitfalls to avoid in the process.”

Roth IRA Rules presents Roth IRA Conversion in a Down Market posted at Roth IRA Rules, saying, “Is doing a Roth IRA conversion in a down market a smart move?”

Jae Jun presents Warren Buffett Stock Picks Fair Value | Old School Value posted at Old School Value, saying, “Part 4 of Warren Buffett stock portfolio analyzed with stock valuation.”

SVB presents ETrade Online Brokerage Account: Top Broker Review posted at The Digerati Life

Investing Toolkit presents The Successful Stock Investor: Do You Have These Attributes? posted at Investing Toolkit.

Aussie Investor presents Exchange Traded Funds – ETF Investing In Australia posted at Australian Investing, saying, “Exchange Traded Funds are a simple way for investors to build a diversified investment portfolio at a low cost. In this article ETFs are looked at from an Australian perspective. What products are available, how can investors buy them and what else should they consider before purchasing an Exchange Traded Fund?”

Jimmy Atkinson presents Which ETFs Are Optimal for VHNW Investor Portfolios? posted at ETFdb.

Zach Scheidt presents Government Contracts Drive Stanley Inc. (SXE) Growth | ZachStocks posted at ZachStocks, saying, “Stanley Inc. (SXE) provides contracting services to the US government. With a healthy backlog and reasonable stock price, this growth stock could offer 60% gains.”

Personal Finance

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Just In Time For Labor Day, Some Job Interview Humor posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog.

Jeff Rose presents How Much Term Life Insurance Do You Need to Buy? posted at Jeff Rose.

David presents SonyCard by Chase posted at Credit Card Offers IQ.

TIP Guy presents Share Premium Account and Its Uses posted at, saying, “when there is an IPO, think where your premiums are going? It is going to fund those bonus shares, those investment banking firm discounts, services which does not affect companies bottom line, and fat paychecks.”

Mike Power presents Christianity and the Black Market posted at Gather Little By Little, saying, “to what extent do you or will you participate in the underground economy?”

PT presents Considering a No Penalty CD from Ally posted at Prime Time Money.

Miss M presents Do You Get Comp Time? posted at M is for Money.

CreditCardAssist presents Just How Expensive Are Convenience Checks? posted at Credit Card Assist, saying, “A look at the fees, traps, high interest rates and how truly expensive those credit card convenience checks really are.”

Steve Faber presents Top Tips to Save Gas ? Gas is Going Back Up, You?ll Need Them posted at super gas saver, saying, “Your fuel bill can take a huge bite out of the monthly budget. Here are some great tips to let you keep more of your money.”

Jonathan Martin presents Negotiating for Moms posted at The Negotiation Board, saying, “Helping Moms keep better control of household finances through negotiation.”


stock investing tips presents Stock Investing Tips �C 3 Different Stocks for 3 Different Strategies posted at stock investing tips.

Darwin presents The “Wash Rule” in Investing and How it Applies to You posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “With the recent market volatility, learn about the SEC wash sale rule, what it means for your trades and how you can work around it in a compliant fashion.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of onemint – economy and your finances using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our  blog carnival index page.

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