How to recover your ICICI Direct Password?

A friend once remarked that he had more passwords than hair on his head. While I am lucky enough to have more hair than passwords, I still have enough passwords to overwhelm me every once in a while.

Last week, I forgot the password of my ICICI Direct account, and had to jump a few hoops in order to reset it again. This is a particularly easy one to forget because it needs to be reset every 15 days!

If you forget the password, there are three things you can do:

  1. Unlock account: You can do this if you had forgotten the password, but are able to remember it now.
  2. Issue new password: They send the password to your home by mail, and this can take quite a few days.
  3. Online password: This was an option that was only recently introduced, and is quite a handy one too.

I used the third option because that is the best one if simply unlocking the account won’t work. You first have to register with ICICI Direct’s online password generation facility in order to make use of it. I had registered with it some time ago, so I had no problems there.

If you have this account, I strongly recommend that you register with it too, as it is free and easy to do, and will come in handy if you ever forget your password.

You need to take the following steps to register:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit Customer Service Page
  3. Click on “Password Re – Generation”
  4. Enter your details and you are done.

Your account should have your PAN and Date of Birth in order to make use of this facility. Once you register, they email you a PDF with a grid in it, that you will need to use if you forget your password. The PDF itself is password protected, and its password is your user name.

Assuming you have your grid, and have forgotten your password, click on “trouble logging in!” at the bottom of the login page.

You will be taken to this page:

ICICI Password Recovery

Enter your details in this page, select the “Online Password” option and click on “Send Request”.

You will be taken to another page, where you will be asked to enter a few numbers from your GRID. Enter in those numbers and submit.

At this point a Unique Reference Number (URN) will be sent to your mobile phone via text message. You need this URN to generate an alternate password.

Now, here is the part that was throwing me off. After I got the URN, I didn’t understand where to input it. The way it works is that after you get your URN, you need to go to the above page, enter all your details in there again, and this time it takes you to a different screen.

There, you will be asked to enter your GRID numbers again. You will also be asked to enter the URN. After you input both these — you will be allowed to set a new password for your account.

All this is slightly confusing, but is still much better than having to wait for your password in the mail. The best thing is to not forget your password, the second best thing is to forget and then remember it, so that you can simply unlock your account. But, if you truly forget your password, then generating it online is better than having it mailed to you.

Here is a link to the FAQ section of ICICI Direct, which explains the password recovery process. I was hoping to give you more screen shots, but for that I will have to go through the password recovery process again, which is a smallish nightmare I would like to avoid. Feel free to ask any questions though, and I’ll be happy to answer if I can.

12 thoughts on “How to recover your ICICI Direct Password?”

  1. I have opened a DMAT account about 7 or 10 years back and unfortunately the account number and the book are lost how can i recover my dmat account number, the agency which opened the account is no more functional at my place neither i have its other address., Kindly help me how can i get my status of the dmat account number.
    Looking forward

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