Economy and your finances carnival Feb 21st 2010

Welcome to the February 21, 2010 edition of OneMint – Economy and your Finances. presents Are Public Wi-Fi Spots Safe? posted at SpendOnLife, saying, “A bit of information on why you should be careful when using wi-fi in public places. Thieves can access information to be used in stealing your identity.”

Billeater presents Six Ways to Save on Baby Expenses posted at Billeater.

Heather Sanders presents Definitive Short Dollar ETF Guide: Inverse USD ETFs posted at ETFdb.

Dividend Tree presents Case of Dividend Growth in Emerging Economies posted at Dividend Tree, saying, “I view multinational companies are potential opportunities for dividend growth, hedge against dollar fluctuations, and proxy for emerging markets.”

PT presents Tax Deductions Commonly Overlooked posted at Prime Time Money.

Peak Personal Finance presents Tax Time: Home Related Tax Breaks posted at Peak Personal Finance, saying, “Don’t overlook these tax benefits of home ownership.”


oneadvice presents How to Avoid Bankruptcy posted at One Advice, saying, “This is an expensive time of year, don’t fall into bankruptcy in 2010, it can be avoided. This article offers you the simplest ways to avoid bankruptcy…”

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Counted Out (Limerick) posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog.

SVB presents Secured Credit Cards To Boost Your Credit posted at The Digerati Life

TSW presents How To Get Your Free Credit Report and Score posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, “On how to pick up a free credit report (and score).”

Emily Simmons presents How to Do a Debt Snowball posted at Be In Health Now, saying, “Who made a New Year’s resolution to get out debt this year? This post on how to do a debt snowball should help.”

Frank Goley presents Small Business Finance: Equity, Debt, Cash Flow and IPO posted at Business Success Strategies, saying, “The business success strategies blog is written by small business success expert, Frank Goley, the chief business consultant for ABC Business Consulting. Frank has more than twenty years experience helping companies start, grow, turn around and succeed.”


John Hunter presents The Biggest Manufacturing Countries in 2008 with Historical Data posted at Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog, saying, “China’s share of the manufacturing output has grown dramatically the last 20 years but USA output has grown over that time and the USA share of global manufacturing is down only slightly.”

Peter presents Democrats Hope To Pass A Second U.S. Stimulus Bill By Early 2010 posted at Bible Money Matters, saying, “Democrats hope to pass a second stimulus bill sometime early in the new year.”

Jeff Rose presents Best Retirement Plan For Small Businesses posted at Jeff Rose.

Joe Plemon presents Should You Hire a Real Estate Broker to Sell Your House? posted at Personal Finance By The Book, saying, “This post compares hiring a real estate broker with selling your house yourself. Hopefully, by reading, you will have clarity about whether you should hire a broker.”

Super Saver presents Another One Bites the Dust posted at My Wealth Builder.

Joel Ohman presents Haiti Donations by Country posted at Credit Card Chaser, saying, “Cool infographic showing the donations to Haiti by country and as a percentage of each countries GDP.”


Sun presents The End of the Year Means It’s Time to Rebalance Your Portfolio posted at The Sun’s Financial Diary.

Mike Piper presents Imputed Rent: Calculating Return on Home Purchases posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, “How do you calculate the return on the purchase of a home if you use it yourself rather than renting it out?”

Jeff Rose presents 7 Things To Know About Roth IRA Rules for 2010 posted at Jeff Rose.

PT presents SEP IRA: An Entrepreneur’s Best Friend in Retirement posted at Prime Time Money.

Darwin presents Study: Smart Investors MUCH Better Stock Pickers than Dumb Investors posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “A surprising study sheds light on how investor IQ is correlated with actual stock-picking performance. Results, analysis and what you should consider as an investor in common equities.”

Jae Jun presents How to create online investment tracking spreadsheet posted at Old School Value, saying, “Use this free stock tracking spreadsheet or learn how to create your own dynamic online portfolio tracking spreadsheet that is always up to date. You can now view it anywhere, anytime.”

Matt Jabs presents Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limits posted at Debt Free Adventure!, saying, “Continually updated information on Roth IRA contribution limits and Traditional IRA contribution limits for each subsequent tax and contribution year.

Now that you know how much and when to contribute, now you should focus on where to house your IRA.”

Tom @ Canadian Finance Blog presents Book Review – Benjamin Graham On Investing – Canadian Finance Blog posted at The Canadian Finance Blog, saying, “Benjamin Graham On Investing offers an interesting look at the events leading up to the stock market crash of 1929. Even more interesting is how some of theses events mirror our recent history.”

Abdulrasool Sumar presents What is a 401k Plan? History of 401k Plans & Annual Developments Timeline from 1978 – 2003 posted at 401k, saying, “As at 2003, total estimated number of 401k plans was 438,000 in America with assets totaling $1.9 trillion & 42.4 million active participants. Do you have a 401k plan?”

ABC presents What Are Money Market Mutual Funds posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, “A brief explanation of money market mutual funds.”

Intelligent Speculator presents 2010 Oil Stock Picks: Best returns so far posted at Intelligent Speculator, saying, “Oil is back in the news as it went back up to 75$ in yesterday’s trading. Not too long ago, I had gone into the top oil stock picks for 2010 and it is now already a good time to see what is working and what isn’t.”

Mike Piper presents Index Funds vs. Active Mutual Funds posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, “The actively managed mutual fund industry has a compelling sales pitch. The problem? It’s not really true.”

Personal Finance

Peak Personal Finance presents Saving Money on Holiday Gifts posted at Peak Personal Finance, saying, “These shopping tips can help you keep some money in your wallet.”

The Dough Roller presents The Great Debate: 30-Year Mortgage vs. 15-Year Mortgage posted at The Dough Roller.

David presents 0 Interest Credit Cards posted at Credit Card Offers IQ.

FMF presents Fourteen Tax Management Techniques posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “Tips for making the most of your tax planning.”

My Life ROI presents Types of Insurance Most People Need posted at My Life ROI, Getting the Best Return On Life, saying, “This article goes over 5 types of insurance that many people need. Each type of insurance goes over: What it is, What types there are, and Who needs it.”

The Amateur Financier presents Stop Talking About ‘The Rich’ posted at The Amateur Financier, saying, “A discussion of the flawed approach many people take when it comes to wealthy people; in particular, assuming that they are somehow significantly different from other income classes for reasons other than pure differences in net worth.”

FIRE Getters presents Americans Living Without Bank Accounts? posted at FIRE Finance, saying, “Last weekend we were wondering how many Americans live without bank accounts. Our first thought was not many. Curious to know the facts we started researching on the web. We were stunned to find that 17 million Americans have no bank accounts! And 18% of the rest of the population that do have bank accounts use non-traditional banking services like pawn shops and payday lenders.”

GLBL presents Our Bank Network posted at Gather Little By Little, saying, “I am a numbers guy . . . a little obsessive compulsive . . . I like organization and strategic planning. I understand if some of you might think this kind of information is a little “wonky”, but I thought I would lay out our bank set-up for you and see what you think.”

Cap presents $8,000 Home Tax Credit posted at, saying, “As tax season comes rolling in (yeah yeah we’re almost two months early), its time to keep an eye out for all possible tax credits. If you’ve bought a home in 2009 or you’re considering buying one in 2010, you may qualify for the now ‘famous’ home tax credit.”

7 thoughts on “Economy and your finances carnival Feb 21st 2010”

  1. Pingback: Paying Off Credit Card Debt: Tips for Becoming Debt Free and … | Debt Finance Wisdom

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