Virginity, Capital Gains and Safecredit Review

After a fairly long  gap, I am back with weekly links. In the past I used to call this – “Interesting Reads” but that got a bit boring, so now I am going to pick up a few words from the posts and use them for a title. That should spice it up a little.

Let me start off by pointing you towards this story that Weakonomics picked up about a Kiwi girl selling her virginity to pay for college. The final price for it – 30,000 US Dollars!

Bad Money Advice included this story in his February round up, and also pointed out an interesting comment by Cosmo who wondered if this would be taxed as capital gain or income, had it been legal in the US?

Not to get too carried away by all this, let me draw your attention now to some posts that are more in line with the theme of this blog:

Ask Mr. Credit Card does a Review

Digital Inspiration tells us how to get an exporter code for PayPal in India

The Big Picture takes an in depth look at the cyclically adjusted S&P 500 P/E Ratio

The Digerati Life tells us how cash only living can work

The Financial Samurai tells us a story about his friend who makes a lot of money but is not pursuing his dreams. I think a lot of people will be able to relate to this story. I actually had a post in drafts based on this but never got to finishing it. Sometime in the coming week I think.

Indian Thoughts wonders about Money vis-a-vis happiness – this and the post above are similar in nature, though both worth a read on their own.

Ajay Shah takes a look at some interesting features of the budget – mainly on regulatory co-ordination, financial reform and stability.

That’s it for this edition, I’ll be more regular with the links now that I am back and slowly getting back in the daily routine.

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