Weekend Links: 12th June 2010

I’ve had to unexpectedly travel and that’s why I have been quite over the past couple of weeks. There is still some travel in store in the coming few days, but I expect to get back on track as far as writing is concerned.

After several days I got a chance to read for a few hours today, and here are some links that I thought were worth sharing.

Too much anger, and too few ideas. America needs a better alternative to Barack Obama @ Economist

Why do we not have quality investigative reports in India @ Prof. Jayanth R. Varma

Mukesh back in telecoms with InfoTel @ Financial Express

TipBlog Portfolio Update 1h 2010 @ Tip Blog

Five Questions to build a strategy @ HBR

Greed’s not good for shareholders @ Psy Fi Blog

Why online banking customer satisfaction matters @ The Digerati Life

Ally Bank: Review of online banking services @ Smarter Wallet

4 thoughts on “Weekend Links: 12th June 2010”

  1. I loved that video!! I mean I always love seeing the link carnivals that you put up but that video was a nice little ending. No worries on the travel that’s kept you busy but you should know that your regularly scheduled posts are missed 🙂 Look forward to seeing what you have down the pipeline! I just wanted to let you know that you’ve inspired me to start my own little carnival at Financially Digital, thanks!

  2. Hi Manshu,

    Thanks. My MF list is full and almost 3000+ schemes offered in Indian Rupees. Can you help me to give your specific post which you wanted to link with specific mutual fund scheme !! for example. your “best performance” link to specific scheme..

    send me email on tony_parera@oyetweet.com and I will update my html.


  3. Hi,
    I often visit your site for information. This let me to create an another blog which provides a full list of all available mutual funds in one page with it’s daily NAV. I update this list DAILY with some outsource help from INDIA.

    does this make sense ? it’s at listmf.blogspot.com

    Your blog give a detail analysis and my blog provides a simple full list of all mutual funds in specific currency(INR, SGD etc.) I was wondering if I could link specific schemes to your specific blog posts for details.

    do write me back in my “about us” comment if interested.

    Tony Parera

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