Stuxnet, Gold fabrics and Dimsum bonds

I first heard about the Stuxnet worm about a month ago, and it seemed like science fiction at the time, and I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

This computer worm successfully sabotaged Iran’s nuclear program, and ups the ante on cyber warfare by a few dozen notches. It is the smartest computer worm ever discovered, and the story is fascinating.

Here is an excellent story on Vanity Fair about Stuxnet, and a fantastic TED video on the subject.

I’m embedding it here as well.

On to some money stuff.

IL&FS may well become to issue the first Dimsum bonds or bonds issued in RMB. There is a short story on Reuters about it.

Christine Lagard and the demand for Dollars at The Baseline Scenario.

Envisioning future scenarios for India and China at Ajay Shah

Groupon’s India breach alerts Netizens at WSJ Blogs

What is “Washington” at Baseline Scenario

Gold and silver fashion fabrics at Beyond BRICS

Gain financial freedom with these three concrete strategies at The Digerati Life

And finally, secret of achieving high returns at TFL Guide.

Enjoy your weekend!

3 thoughts on “Stuxnet, Gold fabrics and Dimsum bonds”

  1. Dear Manshu,
    Although nobody has claimed parentage for Stuxnet, the finger of suspicion points at the Israelis. I first read about it in this nice article in NY TIMES The Stuxnet episode gives us an insight into how crippling & devastating Cyberwarfare can be….. Maybe our Govt can take a leaf or two from it rather than threatening ‘hot pursuit’ whenever an attack originates from ‘across the border’!!!!!!

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