New Comment System: Disqus

A quick note to talk about what I consider a reasonably big change here on OneMint. Since yesterday, a new comment system called Disqus has been installed on the site.

The idea was actually triggered by Anil Kuppa who is a regular reader here, and I wanted to give it a try because the standard WordPress comment functionality is quite limited and I haven’t seen any major improvements in the comment system since the early days of WordPress.

Disqus is widely used and there are many features there that can be quite useful. The best feature is that you can keep track of every comment you ever posted so that gives you an excellent way to see all your comments at one place.

Currently, there is one big issue with the new system where it is just not allowing people to post comments as ‘guests’ using just their name and email like the WordPress site used to do.

You can still post comments using your Facebook, Twitter, G+ or Disqus id but if you don’t have one of these or don’t want to use one of these, you won’t be able to post comments.

When I read about this plugin and saw how other sites used it – I felt that this feature is available, and I have raised a case with Disqus to understand why I am seeing this error.

If in fact it doesn’t have a way to allow people to post comments without registering then we will get back to the older system, but if there is a way then I’ll post a small update about it and let everyone know.

In the meantime, please email me with any other problems you may be noticing or any suggestions on how to use Disqus better as that will be really helpful for everyone. And if you know of a way or a good link that talks about the problem we’re facing here – that will be just fantastic.

You can register with Disqus using this link.

5 thoughts on “New Comment System: Disqus”

  1. I don’t know if you have tried this already but here’s what you can try.
    Go to your site admin address on Disqus, or alternatively go to Comments>Disqus in your WordPress Dashboard.
    Go to Setting>General, scroll down to Community Rules and check on Allow guests to comment checkbox. Its unchecked by default. That should allow commenting in the same manner as default wordpress comments.

    1. I actually remember seeing that email come in and now I can see the comment there too. I’m sure there was another one from someone else which I can’t see now. Really sucks, will try to see why this is happening.

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