Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I just wanted to take a break and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope the coming year is joyful and prosperous for you, and you continue to make good financial decisions .

I also hope that you have benefited from OneMint this past year and it continues to assist you in making better financial decisions going forward as well.

Here is a picture of my bunny with our Christmas tree this year. Enjoy your holidays!

Merry Christmas!


12 thoughts on “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”

  1. Thanks a lot Manshu and Shiv for these articles throughtout the year and hope you continue to guide us all in the coming year too.
    Merry christmas and a prosperous new year to all !

  2. Thanks a lot for these articles Manshu and Shiv throughtout the year and hope you continue to guide us all in the next year too.
    Merry christmas and a prosperous new year to all !

  3. Thank you manshu n shiv. Definitely you guys have made me take better financial decisions. Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to both of you and your families.

  4. Dear Manshu, Shiv and all readers:
    Wish you Merry Christmas and a very happy & prosperous new year !!

    Best regards.

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