Suggest a topic

A lot of you reply to the daily emails with suggestions for posts, and I really appreciate that because it gives me post ideas, and I can write about stuff that is most relevant to you.

Normally, I take the gist of your suggestion; create a title of the post, and note it down on a virtual sticky note. But, the issue with this is that it is easy enough to miss an email, and sometimes the titles on the sticky notes don’t make any sense to me when I look at them later on.

So, I am creating a page here that is specifically for your suggestions for posts. You can leave a comment here suggesting an idea for a post, and if I know enough about the topic I will write about it.

That way we won’t lose track of anything you say, and if multiple people suggest the same topic for a post then I know that it should be written prior to moving on to other things.

Thanks for reading – and writing!

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1,786 thoughts on “Suggest a topic”

  1. Hello Sir,

    I was searching for useful articles related to taxation and come across your post which is quite informational based on your detailed analysis or expertise.

    The content of your blog seems very comprehensive and interesting to read.

    I would like to draw your attention towards the Delhi-based online income tax filing services website.Kindly check out the link .

    It is a portal where the taxpayer can upload their form-16 with required documents and file their income tax returns with ease.It is a platform to give the latest updates of taxation and manage client’s taxes as well as their income tax returns.

    This Might be a worth mention on your page.
    Either way, keep up the awesome work.

    Also, I was hoping you would consider us in contributing articles about topics related to taxes, taxing systems in India, etc. so that we can our knowledge and expertise with your audience.

    Is this something you would be interested in?
    Let me know what you think.


  2. Hi,
    InvIT seems to be a new product in the Indian financial Markets. I have already missed investing in the recent IRB InvIT.

    Could you please throw some light on the product and analyse the next upcoming InvIT issue. I ready Sterlite Power is listing one. What’s your view on this? Eager to know.


  3. Hi Shiv sir,

    Kindly review and provide your valuable advise on upcoming HUDCO IPO. Also suggest, if it is a good idea to accumulate HUDCO shares on listing from secondary market as well for a long term investment purpose.

    Many Thanks & Best Regards,

  4. Dear Shiv,
    I am about to retire and am looking for immediate annuity plans. Has there been any analysis done Jeevan Akshay VI and your recommendations on it ? Are there any similar plans from other insurers for comparison ? thanks for your service.

  5. Can you please write about Airtel Payments Bank? Though I could Google out most of the information, one specific question is not being addressed.

    Can I make offline payments using Airtel Payment Bank account? If so, how? What infrastructure should the merchant have? Is it better to wait for Paytm Payment bank since they already have so many lakhs of merchants enabled?

  6. Hi,

    Thanks for providing valuation information, you are doing a great job.

    Topic Suggestion: since fd rates are getting lower now… can you please create one article to describe, what is debt mutual funds, comparison with Fixed deposit features, advantages and disadvantages debt mf, how to invest/when to invest.


  7. Dear Sir,
    I like the way u elaborate the information related with financial decision.

    Thanks and regards

  8. Dear Sir,
    I am impressed the way to handle the topics namely Pre open session market and how fix the price of any stock.
    Sir, I am in the market since last year and learning various aspect of
    Day trading or cash trade or intra trade. Can you elaborate the how cash trade will be make profitable.
    Thanks and regards
    S.V. Thavare

  9. Will the de-monetisation really flush out the black money? I hear all gimmicks being tried like buying gold, distributing through money changers, converting to foreign currency, hawala etc. Will this all just make sure this fails and back to status quo with new notes ?

  10. you forgot to give the list under this statement in the post on the police clearance certificate :

    Here is a list of all the documents that they accept as a residence proof:

  11. Shiv, would be interested in knowing your thoughts on Sovereign Gold Bonds that are periodically on offer by GOI..

  12. Many ppl (inc my father) are of the opinion that RDs, postal RDs in particular, are tax free.

    Despite many attempts to convince that no TDS doesn’t mean no Tax, they are still rigid about their opinion. Pls throw some light

  13. Dear Shiv,
    As we know NPS is one of the cheapest and best option for retail investors. Under Tier – II account , one can even withdraw as and when required.
    Of course, we do not see much promotion from fund houses and financial institutions because they don’t get any benefit.
    Is it a better option to go for NPS instead of mutual fund to save fund management fees ?
    Because even for MFs there is no fixed parameter to choose which one is good. 99% people go by ratings from various websites while selecting.
    To me MF option is not any better than NPS , which one too is managed by same professionals.

    Please advise.


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