Suggest a topic

A lot of you reply to the daily emails with suggestions for posts, and I really appreciate that because it gives me post ideas, and I can write about stuff that is most relevant to you.

Normally, I take the gist of your suggestion; create a title of the post, and note it down on a virtual sticky note. But, the issue with this is that it is easy enough to miss an email, and sometimes the titles on the sticky notes don’t make any sense to me when I look at them later on.

So, I am creating a page here that is specifically for your suggestions for posts. You can leave a comment here suggesting an idea for a post, and if I know enough about the topic I will write about it.

That way we won’t lose track of anything you say, and if multiple people suggest the same topic for a post then I know that it should be written prior to moving on to other things.

Thanks for reading – and writing!

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1,786 thoughts on “Suggest a topic”

  1. Hi!!

    My query is related to savings account interest rate. In last year’s (FY 2010-11) budget, it was mentioned that banks have to calculate the same on a daily basis (Closing Balance for that day). But, I have clarified with my bank (HDFC) that they still calculate it on the minimum balance between 10 to last date of every month. With RBI increasing the rate from 3.5% to 4% for savings account, it would definitely matter to retail customers.

    Can you please clarify why is the daily basis method of calculation not followed?

  2. Dear sir,
    First of all i must congratulate you for the kind of information you have put up and clearing the queries of naives like me. Now my query is, Is e-Gold is safe to Invest in? which is one is better among e-Gold and Gold ETF to Invest? Is true that e-Gold can be converted to Jewlery? Please help me in clearing my query.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I have a post on NSEL that ends with my concerns about the product. There are other people who have posted their clarifications so you may go through them as well.

      As for converting to physical gold – yes they do have a process where you can pay the additional VAT and get the thing converted to gold, however, this is no different from cashing in your gold ETF and buying gold bars from a jeweler.

      I won’t be able to recommend anything specific to you, but you can go through the posts and make a decision yourself.

  3. Dear Manshu,
    I feel that onemint is doing a good job in creating a platform where threads on finance and investment are actively discussed, debated and contributed to by other netizens. I feel that all citizens / netizens should have good knowledge of finance, medicine and law especially. This is because, we are not taught about them formally but i find that every adult should have basic knowledge about them. As a doctor, i find that many of my patients come to me armed with a lot of information about their disease as most of it is available on the web! As far as finance is concerned, many sites incl. onemint are doing a good job. Do you know of any website which offers good knowledge on legal issues?

    1. Dear Vijay – thank you very much for your kind words. You’ve contributed to the site through your comments and I really appreciate that as well.

      I’ve actually not seen any good resource on law. Usually, I try to read the act itself and see if I can make sense out of it. Go for the source was the mantra of my Law professor.

      You can try and see if that works for you. When you read about something in the news you can Google up the relevant act and read it.

      Specifically for Income Tax – you will find it here:

      Thanks once again for your kind comment.

  4. Dear Manshu,
    Can you write on ‘How to start trading in stock market ?’ with some general tips, dos and don’ts for someone who is a novice? I know that it is wholly unpredictable but are there some broad principles? some method in the madness???

    1. Dear Vijay,

      I don’t have any knowledge on trading. I’m strictly a long term investor (I do dabble in options from time to time) and recommend it to others as well. I don’t know of any successful traders to be able to write anything on this subject. Sorry.

  5. While this might a bit offtrack from your blog’s main theme, I must confess that I find your charts, tabulations and other information visualization very interesting. Towards this, can you discuss which tools you use and a bit about the data gathering and preparation process?

    1. There’s no real process or any special tools that I use. I use Keynote on Mac and GIMP which is an open source tool. Apart from this – there isn’t anything special and I’m certainly not as good with design as a lot of others are so I’m not sure what I will write on it. I guess I could write a bit on how to make the most use of your limited skills (which in my case are very limited) but I don’t know if that will be beneficial to anyone. Hmmm – let me think and see if I can write something meaningful on this.

  6. I request you to write a topic about understanding of tax calculations. I am sure you have given lot of information about this in various posts. Still, if you can bring altogether
    and put that information in one post, it will be very helpful/useful for the fresh earners. What do you say?

    Thanks for all the useful information posted in this blog. All the best!!!

  7. I am not sure why there is so much price difference between recently listed SBI 9.75% Bonds and 9.90% bonds.

  8. Manshu,
    I’ve been trying to find out mutual funds and other financial options for a gift to my nephews. We have a Childrens’ Gift Fund, but apparently that doesn’t let anyone other than a parent invest in it.
    Could you please help and suggest some options?


    1. I have never looked into this Sohini, but let me try to see if I can find some info on this. But at the top of my head, I’m not sure how one goes about gifting MFs.

  9. I would like to suggest you to write on the service charges levied by Banks and other institutions & whether there is any authority to check on the modalities as to how various charges are priced eg DD charges, DD cancellation charges, Folio charges; Statement of Account charges, Cheque leaf charges etc. Is there any cartelisation? Pls check.

  10. Hi could yu pls review some poducts such a ING ADAPT andany available FMP.Is it a good time to invest in FMPs

    1. I don’t know anything about ING ADAPT (heard the name first time today) so I won’t be writing about it. I will write about a general post on FMP in the future.

  11. Hi again, Do you want to write something on forex trading? the to knows and what to expect? I havent found much in your website and thought i could request for this.

    Have a nice time!


    1. Thanks for your suggestion Seshu – but I’m sorry I’ll have to disappoint you because I have never done any forex trading and I don’t know anything about that at all.

  12. Hi Manshu,

    Please compare and write reviews of all trading platforms available in india. Which is better etc… ( eg, IndiaBulls, Reliance Money, ICICI Direct, Religare, SBI CAPSEC etc ). Try to bench mark the facilities given by them. Also let us know is there any platform to buy all investment/financial products under one roof. ( Including derivatives, MFs, e Metels, Bank and Company FDs ). If not all, Atleast let us know which covers most and best… Also analysis the Customer care,

    Thanks and Regards
    Vijay Athreyan R

    1. Sorry Vijay – I have tried to write about this in the past but didn’t find adequate info or means to compare one with the other, so I won’t be writing about this topic. Sorry.

  13. Can you please do a post on the advantages of opening an account in the NPS Lite Scheme (Central Government of India’s Pension scheme open to all citizens)

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