Interesting Reads – 21st March 2009

Indian elections are normally a very colorful affair so I wasn’t surprised one bit when I saw the launch of the “Recession Party” to fight the forthcoming Indian parliamentary elections. Jaspal Bhatti is a very popular comedian in India, who launched the Recession Party last Monday and is banking on the votes of fools.

He says that he will not divide voters along the lines of religion, caste, color or race, but, rather along the lines of foolish and intelligent voters. He doesn’t want the votes of the intelligent voters, who vote corrupt politician to power, pay the price for it, and then do the same thing all over again. He wants the votes of only foolish voters; he has mine.

On to the other interesting stuff around the blogosphere this week:

1. The Year of Living Dutch by Investoralist

2. The Tyranny of Investing Fees by The Dividend Guy

3. Get The Best Home Loan Rates With These Tips by The Digerati Life

4. Meet My New Credit Card by M is For Money

5. Psychological Benefits of Index Funds by The Oblivious Investor

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