Interesting Reads 5-8-2009


I read some interesting and insightful quotes this week. Here are a few of them:

Shatrughan Sinha on why Indian movie stars are getting attracted to politics:

Glamour has limited power, whereas power has unlimited glamour.

Charlie Munger on Banks

This is an enormously influential group of people, and 90 percent of that influence is being spent to gain powers and practices that the world would be better off without.

On the Glass Ceiling (From The Economist)

One of the first women to head a major Japanese company, when asked in 2005 what had changed least in Japanese business in the previous 20 years, said: Ò€œThe mindset of Japanese gentlemen”.

On to the other interesting articles I read this week:

Polar Bear Protection Won’t Be Broadened

Afghanistan’s only pig quarantined

Methods for Setting Up a Budget

How To Buy a Foreclosure: Buy Foreclosed Homes

Alternative Income is a Form of Insurance

Watch Out For Stimulus Check and Government Grant Fraud

Misunderstanding of Frugal Living

41 Investing Lessons We Already Know

Real Estate Investing For New Investors

Our Personal Finance Problem

What is a DRIP

Why Even Small Consistent Efforts Can Bring Big Results

Text Messaging is The Biggest Scam of the 21st Century

Stress Tests and The Nationalization We Got


Money Hacks Carnival

Festival of Frugality

Carnival of Debt Reduction

Festival of Stocks

Photo Credit: D Lemieux

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