Economy and your finances carnvial 20 December 2009

Welcome to the December 27, 2009 edition of OneMint – Economy and your finances.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Free Savings Account For Your Savings Goals: SmartyPig Review posted at The Digerati Life

Dividend Tree presents Case of Dividend Growth in Emerging Economies posted at Dividend Tree, saying, “I view multinational companies are potential opportunities for dividend growth, hedge against dollar fluctuations, and proxy for emerging markets.”


Silicon Valley Blogger presents No Credit Credit Cards: Are Prepaid or Secured Cards The Way To Go? posted at The Digerati Life


Tom Tessin presents 5 Ways to Avoid Bankruptcy posted at FSC Blog, saying, “5 tips that you can use in order to avoid bankruptcy today.”

John Hunter presents The Biggest Manufacturing Countries in 2008 with Historical Data posted at Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog, saying, “China’s share of the manufacturing output has grown dramatically the last 20 years but USA output has grown over that time and the USA share of global manufacturing is down only slightly.”


Sun presents The End of the Year Means It’s Time to Rebalance Your Portfolio posted at The Sun’s Financial Diary.

Mike Piper presents Imputed Rent: Calculating Return on Home Purchases posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, “How do you calculate the return on the purchase of a home if you use it yourself rather than renting it out?”

Jeff Rose presents 401k Rollover to IRA: How To Consolidate Your Retirement Accounts posted at Jeff Rose.

Personal Finance

The Dough Roller presents The Great Debate: 30-Year Mortgage vs. 15-Year Mortgage posted at The Dough Roller.

Tom @ Canadian Finance Blog presents Book Review – The Secret Language of Money – Canadian Finance Blog posted at The Canadian Finance Blog, saying, “The Secret Language of Money is as much a psychology book as it is about personal finance.”

FMF presents Fourteen Tax Management Techniques posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “Tips for making the most of your tax planning.”

Keith Morris presents Money Resolutions: Stick To It This Time! – LifeTuner Blog Posts posted at LifeTuner, saying, “We recently hosted a chat on Twitter with a few experts and bloggers to talk about 2010 money resolutions. These are some highlights from the chat.”

Roshawn Watson presents Is Bigger Better? Scaling Down The American Dream posted at Watson Inc, saying, “Today’s post-crash buyers are not willing (nor able in some cases) to extend themselves like before, and the impact on the housing market is substantial.”

Arohan presents Ideas for Holiday Tipping on a Budget | Personal Dividends posted at Personal Dividends.


DCTrader presents Financial Bloggers Traders Insights posted at DCTrader.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of OneMint – Economy and your Finances using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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