Happy New Year 2012!

Anil Kumar Kapila who is a regular commenter here for a long time now left a lovely comment in yesterday’s post with some do’s and don’t’s for the new year and I took seven of my favorite ones to share them for this new year post.

I’ve experienced all of these emotions myself at one point or the other and I thought it’s a good idea to take some time to go over them and remember when you last experienced such a feeling yourself, and in hindsight – wouldn’t you have much rather not yielded to the temptation or avoided it altogether.

Here’s what he wrote.

With these great thoughts, here’s wishing everyone a very happy new year, may 2012 bring you great wealth and prosperity!

And thanks to Anil Kumar Kapila for sharing these with us!

15 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2012!”

  1. Dear Manshu!
    I did not say that you do not know Tamil Nadu is part of Indian Union. What I try to impress upon you is try to include us from Chennai also. I don’t understand the terse comment for an innocuous comment ,may be expectations of friendly greetings for ‘Pongal’ from you. If you feel that it is inappropriate, Ok,leave it. Sorry for expecting such a thing from you.

    1. I apologize – I got worked up unnecessarily; I guess I detected a bit of sarcasm in your comment (about TN being part of India) which you didn’t mean.

      Happy Pongal to you.

      1. Dear Manshu!
        Thank you! I accept your reply. I thank once again for your Pongal greetings and accept that with all humility and honour underlying therewith. In the process,if I had hurt you unintentionaly, I offer my appology. Keep your write ups on financial matters which I value and get my knowledge levels improved along with scores of others.

  2. Well said. I am following one mint for some time. Good piece of writing especially comparisons with home loans and Bank fixed Deposits in case of home loan Pre-payment.
    You can also extend greetings to ‘Pongal’ as it is celebrated widely in Tamil Nadu which is part of Indian union. Please try to include us people in Chennai and Tamil Nadu also in your write up

  3. Hi Manshu
    Hemant had asked me to write an article based on these points. Accordingly, I have sent him the article- Investment mistakes to avoid in the new year.

  4. Very true thoughts by Anil Kumar Kapila , I think each and every single guy in investment market would have faced these situations.

    Thanks for sharing.

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