Exchange Rates, Wills and Twitter Democracy

To start with, Jitendra Solanki writes about Apollo Munich Optima Restore which is a health insurance plan that has got some features which make it attractive relative to other plans.

Ranjan writes about a new IDBI portal to buy government securities from. This is the first of its kind and I will look at it in detail at some point in the future.

Prof. Jayanth Varma writes about the many different kinds of fixed exchange rate regimes. A crisp post with 4 examples of small countries that have fixed exchange rate regimes and have managed them successfully.

The Psy-Fi blog on how government debt is different from personal debt and what governments have done in the past when faced with a huge debt burden.

Paris rolls out the red carpet for Chinese tourists. A great piece on how the French are wooing Chinese tourists.

Bemoneyaware has a great article on the documents that are needed as part of a will. 

Finally, the most incredible thing I read and discovered this week was this piece about Sweden extending its democracy to Twittersphere.

The government of Sweden has the official Twitter account – @sweden and they’re allowing a citizen to tweet through that account for a week and this week the tweets are from Anna.

I’ve followed that account for three or four days and from what I can see there is no censorship at all. She’s tweeting out her mind and next week another Swede will get an opportunity to do that.

There are free countries, and then there are free countries.

Enjoy your weekend!

9 thoughts on “Exchange Rates, Wills and Twitter Democracy”

  1. Thanks a lot Manshu for mentioning our article. It feels good and makes us feel more responsible.

    I appreciate and am impressed by your efforts in bringing the best of the articles to your readers. With so much information overload you help to focus on those articles which will help your readers (including me) to make better financial decisions.

    1. The info surrounding wills etc. is not very well known perhaps because a lot of people don’t go through it and of course it is a very unpleasant topic to talk about so it was nice to see some good info that you have pulled together at one place. It will be useful to all who read it – thanks!

  2. Thanks Manhsu for sharing the review.

    You have been doinga great job by writing on various articles and raising most critical personal finance inssues.

    Kudos to all whose information you have shared here for increasing awareness among Indian masses.

    1. I wasn’t aware of this product till I read about it so thank you for writing such a comprehensive piece. Are there any other similar products that one can consider?

      1. There is one from L& T General Insurance but not as comprehensive as Apollo and so its scores above all.

        Rest all other are similar products and my take is that companies who have experience in hospital industry like Apollo will roll out such new products.

    1. Thanks Hemant for encouraging words. I would take this opportunity to thank, , etc. I was educated, had an engineering degree, but financially illiterate. Few years back when I started on my journey of financial education your blogs helped me understand the jargon, think and learn about the basics of finances. The process is still on going and there are miles to go ….

      Your blogs also helped me to learn what makes a good article, how to write in simple language.

      Quoting Issac Newton, If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. Thanks again.

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