Happy new year and thoughts for 2013!

Happy New Year Thoughts 2013

Here’s wishing all the readers a very happy and prosperous new year 2013!

Thoughts for 2013

As this year comes to an end, and the new year dawns – I thought about some of the things that helped me get through 2012 in a productive manner, and which I’d like to keep in mind for 2013 also.

I made this small graphic with 5 thoughts that I would like to keep in mind in 2013, and hope that you find them useful as well. I’ve explained them a little as well so you can see why I’m thinking of these thoughts in the new year.

Happy New Year Thoughts 2013

Focus on money and relationships with the long term in mind

Earlier this year I met a person who gave me some advice that sounded counter to his own interests.

I asked him why he was doing it, and he said your best interest contradicts with mine in the current situation, and I have the power of influence over you right now, but I don’t want to take advantage of that and lead you to the wrong decision. I want to build a relationship with you that lasts for several years, and I want that to start off on the basis of trust.

I was really impressed by that and I think everyone should inculcate this attitude.

Nothing worthwhile will ever be easy, hard work is the foundation of every success

This is something that I just like to remind myself constantly so I can continue to put my head down and work hard, and work productively, it’s true that you need to work smart, but that’s not a substitute for hard work, you must work hard and work smart.

Continue to make small positive changes, and they will lead to greater things

I think too often we get carried away in our day to day work and ignore the small improvements we can easily make that will enrich our lives. Smaller improvements are a lot easier to think of and implement and I hope to make a lot of those in the coming year.

Only a small percentage of news is newsworthy

I believe that most news is meant for entertainment, and not education. This is specially true of investing where many times the best action to take is to take no action at all.

Change is hard, and change is necessary

We inherently resist change because it is hard and unpleasant but change is necessary if you want to move forward. So be prepared to make changes even if they seem hard because there is no progress without change.

Have a happy and prosperous new year!

8 thoughts on “Happy new year and thoughts for 2013!”

  1. continue to make small positive changes,
    and they will lead greater things

    Have a happy and prosperous happy new year
    I pray to god be always happy .

  2. Also, these are truly wonderful thoughts you have expressed here Manshu. I feel like these thoughts have come straight from your good heart and balanced mind. I truly appreciate these thoughts.

  3. I wish a very Happy and Prosperous New Year to You and Your Family Manshu !! May God give you success in your work and peace in your life! I wish a very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all the readers of OneMint also !! Everybody has a peaceful and successful year ahead!

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