Weekend Links March 15 2013

I was really disappointed to read that Google will be shutting down its Google Reader service as it will affect me in a big way as a user and a blogger.

I use Google Reader multiple times a day, and over a thousand people use OneMint’s feed on their Google Reader. This also points in the direction that Feedburner will be Google’s next service that’s closed down, and that’s what’s used to deliver OneMint’s daily emails and that would affect OneMint quite negatively. I am hoping that all the backlash on the web makes Google reconsider their decision, but if they don’t, here are a few alternatives to Google Reader: Google Reader is shutting down, here are the alternatives. 

I really loved this Outlook interview with Mohnish Pobrai and thought it had some great insights for investors. For me, one of the more important things to learn from this interview was how you should learn to appreciate the difference between who your following, and your own situation. I’ve often seen people talk about Buffett one liners as rules themselves, and talking about things like his holding period of forever without considering how he has this regular stream of money coming in from his insurance business. It is great to follow Buffett, but you should understand what he is saying in the full context of its operations, and not just in terms of sound bites.

I had no idea that India tops beef exports in the world.

The Chinese saw a leadership change this week, and the WSJ has a good feature on the new leader of The Chinese Communist Party: Xi Jinping, the new Chinese Communist Party Chief has a ‘China Dream’

I loved the idea and design of these 3D Printed Shoes.

The market uptrend is not allowing any bad news to take center stage but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Euro zone employment hits low of nearly 7 years

India isn’t doing too well when it comes to job growth either. Read India’s economy leaves job growth in the dust.

Enjoy your weekend!

2 thoughts on “Weekend Links March 15 2013”

  1. Oddly I never was comfortable with Google Reader. I never found a replacement for Snarfer which I like best.

  2. manshu,

    How can you end the article with disappointing news about job & then say happy weekend,

    YOU are breaking hearts with such paradox 🙂


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