Food Security Bill, Slightly Stabilized Indian Economy and Yawns

Sadanand Dhume writes about all that is wrong with the Food Security Bill. I think it’s worrisome that this was pushed through, and it looks like some form of it will become law and there will be a very heavy price to pay for it.

A rare positive article about the Indian economy, with all that is wrong, it becomes easy to lose sight of what’s improving. The Economist on the stabilizing Indian economy. 

Another positive article about Odisha government acquiring land for Posco’s steel mining project.

I was quite surprised to hear that a Bitcoin based ETF might be launched in the US – Felix Salmon has a great article on the Bitcoin ETF and why it will never become an actual product.

This is related to a post I did earlier this week, and Sethu posted the link to this article: Moneylife helps a reader get back Rs. 60,000 in what seems very similar to what Mihir was describing.

Very interesting article on why we yawn and why it is contagious.

Finally, some light humor – financial planner advises shorter life span to make the best use of client’s portfolio.

2 thoughts on “Food Security Bill, Slightly Stabilized Indian Economy and Yawns”

  1. Instead of posting different links around the web, why don’t write your own articles? Please refrain from these type of posts and include these in Weekend links.

    I hope u get my point.

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