Suggest a topic

A lot of you reply to the daily emails with suggestions for posts, and I really appreciate that because it gives me post ideas, and I can write about stuff that is most relevant to you.

Normally, I take the gist of your suggestion; create a title of the post, and note it down on a virtual sticky note. But, the issue with this is that it is easy enough to miss an email, and sometimes the titles on the sticky notes don’t make any sense to me when I look at them later on.

So, I am creating a page here that is specifically for your suggestions for posts. You can leave a comment here suggesting an idea for a post, and if I know enough about the topic I will write about it.

That way we won’t lose track of anything you say, and if multiple people suggest the same topic for a post then I know that it should be written prior to moving on to other things.

Thanks for reading – and writing!

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1,786 thoughts on “Suggest a topic”

  1. Manshu,

    I was wondering if you want to have one article on ‘ Stagflation’. Many experts today are feeling that India might head into stagflation for a couple of quarters. I understand that Stagflation happens, when inflations accelerates but growth does not. So it could be good for many of us including me to understand in detail ( or in an easier manner, as you are really good at putting things in easier terms 🙂 ) How are they linked with each other and what are the policy paralysis which are creating them ?


  2. Manshu,

    I was wondering if you have one article on ‘ Stagflation’. Many experts today are feeling that India might head into stagflation for a couple of quarters. I understand that Stagflation happend when inflations accelerates but growth does not. How are they linked with each other and what are the policy paralysis which are creating them.


  3. Hi! Please suggest some measures for individual in higher bracket (30%). If the income is around 17 lac pa; one has to pay tax approximately 2.9-3 lac pa. What are the ways to minimize the same.
    J Mukhopadhyay

  4. I save about 50k each month and am looking for avenues to invest this in. I already have a term plan and have SIPs of half this amount based on your previous blogs. But am a little wary of putting everything in equity. What are the other options available for a regular (monthly) investment?

  5. Recently i applied for medical insurance for my wife in apollo.Since my wife was aged around 59 years, they collected a premium of around Rs 16000/= first and then arranged for medical test in a nearby laboratary in chennai. The laboratary collected another RS 1200/= as their charges and said that it would be reimbursed by apollo. Now finally i got the information thro our agent, that apollo has rejected our insurance policy request. Now what will happen to our premium. who will pay the laboratay fees. why should they collect the premium even before medical test is completed, if there is possibility of rejection. Has any body gone through this experience.

    1. I have a Medical Insurance Policy with Oriental since the past 15 Years. I am 83 and my wife is 75.Both of us are covered. So far right from the inception Oriental have NOT asked us to undergo pre medical test.

  6. In Suggest a Topic i would like to suggest a unique topic which i am sure very very very few of your readers would have come across. it is “social investing”.

    it would be really nice social service on ur part if you enlighten ur regular readers and spread the word. (, etc.)

    However pls note that there are only “social” and not “financial” returns….

  7. Hi,
    please have a post on home loans and the various jargons involved . Also involving types lending rates and the rates offered by different banks and other financial organizations.
    the tax benefit they offer and which secitons of IT Law cover them.

  8. Hi Manshu,

    Regarding Family floater Medical Insurance.

    After searching and studying nearby all private n public company on medical insurance ,Its really difficult to finalized which one is best .Kindly help me on same.

    One more request to write a article on difference between private and public Medical Insurance.

    Thank you.

  9. Could you please write a post on “What are the best tax saving (and other good savings) instruments for a beginner under the Rs. 3-5 lacs per annum bracket?” I would be grateful if you can suggest specific instruments (like bank names or organization names). Sorry if you’ve already answered such questions. Simply give me a link to such a post and I will be glad for it.
    Thank you.

      1. Hi, Manshu!
        Thank you for your prompt reply. I did go through the article you gave me the link to. But it didn’t really let me know what I must really do. I recently tried some website and this is the investment portfolio that the calculator suggested I make:
        Asset Share in %
        Gold 5
        Cash 12
        Fixed Income 30
        Large cap equity 35
        Mid cap equity 9
        small cap equity 9

        What I want is a list of organizations that will help me yield good returns, while giving me tax benefit.
        This is for your information. I am 22, salaried employee who saves 15K out of 20K every month. I am unmarried, so no dependants. I also dream of pursuing my Masters abroad for which I need 20 lacs (an amount I can’t take from a bank loan with the kind of salary I get, and can’t expect from my parents because they have home loans on their heads).
        So, keeping these things in mind, please suggest a financial plan(s) for me that will give me tax benefit and good returns at the same time. I come under the 10% tax bracket. Also, if you think I must invest differently and not as the calculator suggested, please do let me know.

        1. Anusha,

          I don’t advise anyone on what exactly they should do on this website and I have several posts that detail out why that is. As for this calculator, you will find several such calcs on the net and each of them will give a slightly different result.

          Investing is not something that can exactly figured out on the comments section of a blog. Now, you’re just 22 and are thinking ahead about investing which is great and puts you at an immediate advantage to a lot of other people but please appreciate that if it were that simple that someone could give you a list of organizations and tell you where to park your money then there wouldn’t be so many hapless investors in the world today.

  10. Hi, i want understand how is the FX rate of a currency calculated against the other currency. For instance how of the INR/USD fx rate gets calculated on a daily basis and what parameters g ointo this calculation.

  11. Hey Manshu,

    1.u have referred your friend to ELSS, but is it worth considering the fact that afterDtc Elss may be scrapped or altered.

    2. I dont come under tax bracket, but would like to park my 6 months expenses in a liquid fund. Is it a good idea.

    1. Yeah, you’re right, it could be but most of this year is still there to buy ELSS and who knows whether the government will find time to implement DTC next year or not. Many important issues like banning of cartoons in textbooks can come up and divert their attention.

      I guess you could do that but you also need to consider that the higher interest bearing savings account also give good interest and the safety there is worth considering.

  12. Hi my question is Why India not purchasing Finished petrol from Gulf rather than buying Crude From there. because Finished Petrol is Cheeper at Gulf.

  13. Hi @Manshu,
    Massala pizza or SIP Insure , which would you prefer more?
    Take it easy. The trick here is how to make fool of the investors, IFAs and regulators to garner more business at any cost!
    Expecting something great on this issue.

  14. Hey Manshu,
    I want to invest my emergency amount (expenses of 6 months) in a liquid fund. Pls. guide me which is best. I dont come under tax bracket. My friends say investing in reliance liquid fund has the added advantage because you can withdraw through card. pls. guide.

  15. It is reported that RBI will shortly thro open market operations release Rs 12000 crores. What exactly is this?Does this mean RBI will print currency notes to this extent?
    I also want to know as a retail subsriber I can buy GOI Bonds? Where are the prices quoted?

  16. Hi, Can you post on some of these-
    1. India’s balance of payments. What is BoP? Its contents etc., Cap account, current account
    2. GDP, GNP- what do they comprise, how are they calculated..
    3. Greek crisis simplified-
    4. Why Euro was implemented? Advantages, Disadvantages
    5.Why is there so much inflation in India and why not in USA?

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