Economy and Your Finances Carnival July 5

Venice Carnival Masks by Crystian Cruz

Welcome to the July 5, 2009 edition of the carnival. I hope you are having a good Sunday and enjoy the entries to this carnival.

Debt Freedom Fighter presents How to Create a Money Management Plan posted at Discover Debt Freedom!. presents Responsibilities of a Primary Account Holder posted at Credit Card Assist.

kathryn presents Major Banks? Debt Relief Hotlines Revealed! posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, “To help you make your loans more affordable, we tracked down the direct contact information for the loan modification departments at major U.S. banks”

stephen todd presents Ways To Make Money At Home posted at Make Money Today.

Chris McClelland presents Life settlement scams could lead to another subprime fiasco. posted at Lucrative Investing.

Tushar Mathur presents Can’t Control the Markets? Try controlling the Costs posted at Everything Finance, saying, “As 2008 proved, the financial markets are prone to unpredictable periods of turbulence. That can make investing feel a bit like a roller-coaster ride. The disappointing results that many mutual funds posted in 2008 and at the outset of 2009 may have left you feeling concerned over your financial future. You’re not alone.”

Billeater presents Stop Dragging Your Feet: Get Out of Debt Now posted at Billeater.

Leave Debt Behind presents 3 Sure Fire Ways to Raise Your Credit Score posted at Leave Debt Behind.

Ben presents Start a Side Business in the Lazy Days of Summer posted at Money Smart Life.

MatthewPaulson presents How to Cancel Your PMI Insurance posted at Fine-Tuned Finances.

Savings Toolbox presents A Six Step Plan for Shopping for Life Insurance posted at Savings Toolbox.


David presents Shop Online With a Disposable Credit Card posted at Credit Card Offers IQ, saying, “Discover has launched a service to secure your online shopping.”

Mr Credit Card presents Credit Card Traps..And Benefits posted at Ask Mr Credit Card. presents How Can I Raise My Credit Score? posted at SpendOnLife, saying, “In response to so many questions from our readers about how to raise their credit scores, we posted the 5 best ways to improve your credit score.”

Four Pillars presents Balance Transfer Credit Cards – What Are They And Why You Might Want To Get One posted at Quest For Four Pillars, saying, “Some benefits and drawbacks of zero percent balance transfer credit cards.”


TIE presents Pre-Theater Dinner Auctions posted at The Incidental Economist

Zach Scheidt presents Employment Numbers Decline – Economic Green Shoots in Question posted at ZachStocks, saying, “Employment numbers drop as economic green shoots are called into question. Nonfarm payrolls decline by nearly a half million – banking and retail sectors could experience the brunt of the decline.”

Len Penzo presents 18 Things You Didn’t Know About The Federal Reserve System posted at Len Penzo . Com.


Dorian Wales presents How Should Households Invest? Sharing My Asset Allocation posted at The Personal Financier, saying, “Investing without an asset allocation in mind is more likely gambling than actual investing”

ABC presents Should I Invest In Dividend Stocks (and what are they?) posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, “An explanation of dividend stocks and why you might want to invest in them.”

Diane Steward presents 25 Essential Investing Cheat sheets posted at ETFdb.

Puneet Kapoor presents THE ART OF SELECTION – PART 2 posted at KuberKhana -Indian Stock Fundamental Analysis, saying, “Prudent stock picking.”

The Investor presents Cash and bonds are different investments posted at, saying, “Make sure you understand the key differences between these two core asset classes…”

nickel presents Index Mutual Funds vs. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) posted at

Zach Scheidt presents Apollo Group Earnings Eclipse $1 bil Last Quarter posted at ZachStocks, saying, “Apollo Group Earnings have pushed for profit education stocks higher as investors celebrate a strong quarter. But many competing stocks have high valuations and are vulnerable to a decline in coming quarters.”

Rohit presents How Warren Buffet gets better deals than you? (And how you can do it too) posted at eMoneyLog, saying, “Warren Buffet always gets better deals, I try to analyze the reasons why.”

TIP Guy presents NIFTY Expected Returns for Different Trading Time Scales posted at The Income Portfolio, saying, “If an individual is interested in trading, the emplirical numbers I presented here can be used as a guide to put certain level of expectations. It helps you understand your risk-return scenarios. It helps you quantify the “risk”.”

Personal Finance

BankMan presents Top high yield savings account rates posted at High Yield Savings Accounts, saying, “The top high yield savings accounts offer customers a good way to earn interest on their savings while their money is in the bank.”

Darwin presents How to Hedge Gas Prices and Put Money Back in your Pocket posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “With gas prices rising at the pump this summer, this article lists 8 different ways to hedge your energy prices, including natural gas.”

ChristianPF presents Tips for Protection against Identity Theft posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “Everyone should be doing these basic things to protect against identity theft”

Patrick @ Military Money presents Disabled Veterans to Receive $250 Stimulus Checks posted at Military Finance Network, saying, “Information about who receives the $250 economic recovery check (or stimulus check), including retirees, social security recipients, railroad retirees, and disabled veterans.”

Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents FREE Online Money Management Tools posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “Here are the best FREE online money management tools, including Mint, Quicken Online, Yodlee, and others.”

The Dough Roller presents Best 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card posted at The Dough Roller, saying, “0% Balance transfers, as opposed to cash advances, offer a great way to save money by consolidating high interest debt. This article describes what balance transfer offers are and how best to use them.”

Lazy Man and Money presents Save Money on Groceries posted at Lazy Man and Money.

MoneyNing presents Side Hustle, Self Employed, Entrepreneurship posted at Money Ning, saying, “There’s really not many overnight success. Work hard and take it one step at a time!”

Four Pillars presents Benefits Of An Online High Interest Savings Account posted at Quest For Four Pillars, saying, “Analyzing some of the benefits of getting a good rate for an online high interest savings account.”

The Dough Roller presents 0% Credit Cards–A Massive List of No Interest Credit Card Offers posted at The Dough Roller, saying, “A comprehensive list of credit cards that offer either 0% balance transfers, 0% on purchases, or both.”

Abigail Perry presents Spending: Frustration and irrational guilt posted at i pick up pennies, saying, “Most of us firmly believe that a small treat is the best way to keep ourselves from feeling deprived, since that can lead to financial binges. But those of us with overactive guilt complexes spend time and energy obsessing about even the smallest purchase. We’ve got to learn that it’s okay to spend on ourselves, so long as it’s in moderation.”

Steve Faber presents Which are the Cheapest Cars to Insure for Teenagers posted at Cheap Car Insurance.

Michael Schindler presents Start Establishing Your Credit Today posted at Your Personal Finance Source.

Steven Chang presents The Truth About Money – Money Blog – Money Making Tips and Money Management posted at Money Making Tips and Money Management

Ben Dinsmore presents Should You Pre-Buy Your Heating Oil This Year? posted at Trees Full of Money, saying, “I already pre-paid for my home heating oil this year, this article explains my reasoning.”

ChristianPF presents Tiny house living – could you live in 100 sq. feet? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “Some people are moving into houses as small as 65 square feet! See how they do it…”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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