Top links this weekend

Does anyone remember when I wrote about the garlic bubble? If you thought that was crazy then check this out. It seems that the Chinese government is trying to cool down its property market by limiting the number of houses a family can buy, and couples there are getting fake divorce certificates to overcome those laws!

I present to you the headline of this week:

China: Go long property by shorting your own marriage @ Beyond Brics A lot of this is anecdotal evidence, but still makes for a fun read.

Shabbir does a great review of ShareKhan PMS

Weakonomics tells you about the 5 best investments for an infinite future

Read about how you can get a car loan @ The Digerati Life

Frank shocks me by looking at studies that say markets aren’t driven fully by economics

And finally, a combination of two of the best viral memes doing the round these days.

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