Suggest a topic

A lot of you reply to the daily emails with suggestions for posts, and I really appreciate that because it gives me post ideas, and I can write about stuff that is most relevant to you.

Normally, I take the gist of your suggestion; create a title of the post, and note it down on a virtual sticky note. But, the issue with this is that it is easy enough to miss an email, and sometimes the titles on the sticky notes don’t make any sense to me when I look at them later on.

So, I am creating a page here that is specifically for your suggestions for posts. You can leave a comment here suggesting an idea for a post, and if I know enough about the topic I will write about it.

That way we won’t lose track of anything you say, and if multiple people suggest the same topic for a post then I know that it should be written prior to moving on to other things.

Thanks for reading – and writing!

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1,786 thoughts on “Suggest a topic”

    1. […] In the list of tax snavig long term infrastructure bonds under section 80CCF, the first one which was launched in year 2011-12 was IFCI Infrastructure Bond. […]

  1. Hey Manshu,
    Can we also have some study based on automation of Technical Analysis/Fundamentals/Quants etc. HFT strategies consists basically of Arbitrage but there are various brokers who after understanding that Arbitrage is not making money, are entering Non-HFT area of Algo Trading.

    1. This is actually the first time I’ve heard about this and I think I won’t be able to write about this in the near future because I don’t know enough about it. In a few months maybe….

  2. Manshu,
    Can you write a post on “DTC and saving options”. This would be a great information for every person.

    Samir Nigam.

    1. This is a great topic Samir and I do write about DTC related things from time to time – there isn’t enough clarity yet to say which options will be better to invest and once that clarity is there – I’ll do a post on that as well.

  3. Hi Manshu, I’ve been reading your extremely informative and well-written blog for more than a year. One thing I think you haven’t discussed much is retirement planning and pension plans. Many financial organizations have pension plan schemes, with or without life insurance, and often with options to adjust the debt-equity ratios. Any recommendations or thoughts on these schemes? Any thoughts on retirement planning in general?

    1. Hi Aditya – Thanks!

      I have written a bit about retirement, not as much as some of the other topics but there is a section with about 15 or so posts. You can check them out here:

      In looking at the products, I’ve felt that the pure retirement products / annuities aren’t very attractive, it’s better to build a portfolio yourself. That will be more cost efficient and you will have more control over it.

    1. That will be interesting but I’m not sure how I can get that data – I’ve never looked at it but let me see if the RBI website has something or if it’s present somewhere else. If it’s there I’ll be sure to write about it.

  4. Happy New Year MANSHU,
    It always nice to read from you.
    Can u please analyse and post about — IIFL Real estate Fund (Series1, A Units).
    Happy upcoming year, once again.

  5. Manshu, Can you pls give your detail review about the plan HDFC SL Pro Growth Super II. I am thinking to go for it. Pls advise.

    1. I normally don’t write about insurance + investment product because I believe it’s best to keep them separate. The same is true for this product as well and I won’t be reviewing it.

      1. Why dont u write an article that clearly underlines the uselessness of a conventional investment+insurance plans. I can see thousands still going for plans that offers 2% returns and half the requirement of insurance! Please suggest ways(if u can) to roll out and educate people about this. I wonder if why regulators dont have a moral responsibilty on this matter!!!
        I can see many of my friends still going for Jeevan Bhimas and Bhima Niveshs and the likes when they can cover themselves with a good term plan!

  6. Manshu
    I made a comment under your “Suggest a Topic”requesting you to do a post on the mechanics adopted by the RBI to appreciate the Re vis a vis US Dollar about 2 days back. It also appeared under this column as a comment. Suddenly yesterday my comment has disappeard.This is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened. Does this mean you dont want to this post? If so, I feel courtesy requires you tell this,please.

    1. No, no, no, why would I delete comments? That’s preposterous. And your comments haven’t disappeared either – you are just not able to find it. Here is a link to both your older comments:

      Just search for your name on the site and you will find your comments. You are just not able to locate them – that’s all – they don’t disappear. You had left such a comment on another post also and I had asked you to send me the email notification that you should’ve got. I didn’t receive any email from you.

      1. Another thing – when you leave a comment – it should display immediately. So at that time – go to the date and time next to it – right click it and save that link. Now, you can use that link to directly go to your comment any time instead of searching for it later on. I think this should solve your problem of disappearing comments.

  7. Hi Manshu,

    Firstly, thanks for this very informative website.

    My query is : would it be a good idea to invest in any of the NCDs launched a few months back, which is trading at a discount to its list price? Please advise. (Example, I invested in Muthoot finance’s August’11 NCD for 5 years @ 12.25% and the same is trading now at Rs. 960. So buying an NCD now which is worth Rs. 1000 at Rs 960 and 12.25 % interest should not be a bad idea? )
    If so, could you please suggest some good options?

    Please advise.
    Thanks and best wishes for 2012,
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi AG,

      I think these are good options if you split your money and not take more than 5% or so exposure to just one company. If you already have Muthoot then look at something else – NCDs come all the time these days, and that way if one company goes under you don’t risk a large part of your money. The yield on these products is high for a reason and you don’t want to find yourself on the wrong side of that trade.

      Happy new year 2012.

  8. Manshu
    Can you please do a post on “What are the sources available to RBI to bring up the rupee visa vis US Dollar and mechanism RBI adopts to do this job”.This is of topical interest as Re has steeply depreciated right now and is severely affecting Indian economy which imports more than it exports.
    Thank You

  9. Hi Manshu:
    Seasons Greetings
    Wish this site carries out in series, some articles, tools, or some advise /discussion on Financial Planning for people at different age groups: 20-30; 30-40, 40+ and also on retirement planning

  10. Manshu
    Can you please do a post on “What are the sources available to Reserve Bank of India to buy US dollars to ensure the apprciation of Rupee via a vis Dollar and the mechanism RBI adopts to do this job”.This is of topical interest .

  11. I want to start MF,SIP but in my city there is no facility to deposit form in relevent bank directly. I called one agent and discused,he told that he would deposit my form in CAMP office ,this is also privet, my query are-

    1-How much mony will be dedected from my MF for agent and CAMP office and when either yearly or on every sip?
    2-How to diposit MF form direct to company (Bank)?

    … kind regards
    Vineet Gour

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