Interesting Reads – 17th Jan 2009

I read a lot of interesting stuff during the week, but most of it was discouraging and sombre. However, such are the times. If nothing, I think – our intellect sharpens during a down-turn. People are in a reflective mood, and do a lot of reading and soul-searching.

Here are some good posts that I read last week:

1. Recession will last till Dec 2009: Nouriel Roubini – Nouriel Roubini’s economic prediction- be prepared to get depressed.

2. Where to find best Auto and Home Insurance Rates by Moolanomy: Great tips to find great prices for insurance.

3. Debt Reduction Technique by No Credit Needed: No Credit Needed talks about Dave Ramsey’s famous debt reduction technique.

4. 50 Tips to Save Money on a Vacation by Money Ning: Money Ning has some great tips on saving money on vacations – both domestic and foreign.

5. The next bubble is in bond markets by Trading Goddess: This is more of a developing story, and I suspect we will hear a lot about a bubble forming in bond markets, as we progress through the year.

6. Good Debt, Bad Debt by The Smarter Wallet: We all have debt in some form or the other, and this great post looks at which debts pay off, and which ones leave you poorer.

7.  Increase Credit Card Savings by The Digerati Life: Smarter Ways to use your credit card in this intensive post.

8. Household expenses through the roof by Vilkri: Vilkri presents an interesting conversation about debt, household expenses, and the recession.

9. Stock Market bottom by My Wealth Builder: My Wealth Builder talks about the signs of stock market bottom. It is an interesting post that talks about the signs that come with a bottoming market.

10. Credit Card losses at Citibank by Plugged In Finance: Plugged in Finance talks about credit card losses at Citibank, and when they are likely to peak. I have been interested in this topic for quite some time now, and this is quite a good discussion at Plugged In Finance.

11. Greed or No Greed by Lazy Man and Money: Lazy Man has this interesting post on Greed, Stock Buyers and our goals. Makes for an intersting reading.

4 thoughts on “Interesting Reads – 17th Jan 2009”

  1. Your list alerted me to Nouriel Roubini whom I used to follow. He is one of the few guys who don’t mind going against the grain, which is why he is also one of the few economists who have rang the warning bells quite a while ago. I’ll make sure that I get his writings now, too. Thanks!

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