Interview: Silicon Valley Blogger from The Digerati Life

I am a big fan of Silicon Valley Blogger (SVB), who runs The Digerati Life and The Smarter Wallet. Last week, she did an interview with Ask Mr. Credit Card, and I liked it very much.

My first thought on seeing the duration of the interview (1 hour) was that it is just too long, and there is no way I will be able to listen to the whole thing.

It took me about four sessions, and it was so good that I felt compelled to listen to the whole thing. The interview bends towards the personal side of SVB, so I think people who are regular visitors to her site will really like it.

I am not sure how others will find it, but, if you like The Digerati Life and missed the interview for some reason, or didn’t start listening to it because 1 hour felt too long, then I think you should listen to this now.

2 thoughts on “Interview: Silicon Valley Blogger from The Digerati Life”

  1. Manshu,
    I am greatly honored that you have kindly introduced this information to your readers. I truly enjoyed the interview and am glad I made it through the hour 😉 , with great thanks to Mr. Credit Card, who is an excellent radio host. I am actually quite happy that there are people who listened to it! 🙂

    I am hoping that one day, I will get to listen to you do an interview as well, as I find it very interesting to hear about the personal side of bloggers through this medium. I don’t get as personal as I’d like on my blog, so this was a great opportunity to share more of my stories with everyone (same goes with Mr. CC).

    Again, my heartfelt thanks for featuring this radio chat on your blog!

    1. You had no trouble going through the hour at all 🙂 I am sure you would have easily managed a couple more too. The thing that made it good was that it focused on stuff that you don’t cover on the blog and you had the time to explore it in detail. Very nicely done 🙂

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