Facebook puzzles for the week ending 7th August 2011

Here are the puzzles from the OneMint Facebook page this week. I got an email about publishing a separate post for the answers, but I feel that publishing a post just for the answers is not worth the effort. You can check out this post, and comment on it with your answers, and I’ll respond to them there.

Also, all of these have already been solved on the Facebook page, that’s why you see some people leaving a comment saying that they have seen the answers (I got a note about that as well).

With that said, here are this week’s puzzles.

1. Can you guess the missing number:














2. “Are your readers enjoying the puzzles?”, my friend asked. “They must be because the number of Likes that OneMint gets in a month grew by 60% in July, and the total likes at the end of the month stood at 390.”

“Ah, you got 15 additional Likes in July then”, he said.

How many total Likes would the OneMint Facebook page have had at the end of July if I hadn’t started the puzzles?

3. “Are you feeling old?”, I asked my grandpa, “You are six times the age of your youngest grand – daughter now.”

“On the contrary, I feel a lot younger today than I did 10 years ago, when I was 16 times her age.”, he said.

Wow! That’s one way of looking at it! How old is my grandpa, and how old is his youngest grand – daughter?

4. “You know I’ve always preferred an education to ignorance, and precaution to carelessness”, said my grandpa.

“That should tell you whether I want an automobile or a holiday for my birthday.”

What should I gift him and why?

5. There are two words hidden here. You can make the words by going sideways or up and down.

This was a phrase written on a book in large friendly letters, and is from an extremely popular book.












6. What is this 4 digit number?

My fourth digit is twice the second. The second digit is two third my first. And my third digit is the same as the fourth.

7. This is the first line of a very famous novel. The vowels from the words have been removed, and the words are jumbled.

Can you guess the line, and which novel it belongs to?

fmly nhppy re ll lk; vry Hppy unhppy s n ts wn wy fmls.

About these

If you missed my earlier post about them, and are wondering what these are then I started writing some puzzles a couple of weeks ago, and since they are not big enough for a full post I publish one every day on OneMint’s Facebook page, and then try to publish a week’s worth on Sunday here. There are no prizes for correct guesses, just the pleasure of getting them right.

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