Single Malt Elephants drive 3 million miles on Cadillac to meet complex cannibals

Let’s start this week with a very interesting story that appeared in the NYT about a The idea is that you wear a bracelet and every time you complain, you take the bracelet from one hand and move it to another. This way you are conscious of when and how much you complain and as a result stop or at the very least reduce your whining.

I think I will try doing this, (not with the bracelet) and see if I can feel a positive difference in my life.

The WSJ had a fascinating story on how the physical makeup of the brain is different in criminals from the rest of us.

The BBC had a story on how people in Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the America were forced to Cannibalism in the winter of 1600s. I was eating while reading this story, and that is a very bad idea.

National Geographic has a great article on how Elephants communicate. Just amazing how complex and sophisticated their communication is.

Whether you drink or not, at some point, someone is going to ask you what a single malt is.

Harvard Business Review has an interesting article on people who add complexity to everything, and delay progress on all projects.

Finally, this car is in the Guinness book because it holds the world record for the highest recorded mileage on a car. Can you guess how much it has run?

Enjoy your weekend!

2 thoughts on “Single Malt Elephants drive 3 million miles on Cadillac to meet complex cannibals”

  1. hi Manshu,

    Not able to understand the significance of use of the word “Cadillac” in the headline.

    If your reference was to the man who about to cross 3 million miles in his car, his car was a Volvo.

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