MCD Property Tax – Calculating Tax, Online Payment, Past Payment Receipts & Other Relevant Info

I just ended up paying MCD property tax (also called house tax) for our residential property in South Delhi. As there were various links which I required to calculate the tax, make online payment, print the payment receipts and check previous years’ tax payments, I thought of writing this post to help property owners in Delhi in this process.

First of all, June 30, 2016 is the last date for availing 15% tax rebate benefit which MCD offers to the property owners in Delhi on lump sum tax payments. So, if you haven’t paid your property tax till date, do it now to avail this 15% rebate.

If you are paying your property tax for the first time, it might be a time consuming job for you. But, if you have gone through such an exercise in any of the previous years, then I think it should not take more than 5 minutes for you to do it again with the help of various links I am going to share here in this post.

3 Municipal Corporations in Delhi – As of today, Delhi has got divided into three municipalities – South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) and East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC). But, only SDMC and EDMC are allowing their residents to pay their property tax online. Due to its ongoing website maintenance work, NDMC has suspended its online payment facility for some time. But, residents falling under North MCD can still avail tax rebate by making their tax payments through the offline mode visiting the MCD office in their respective areas.

Know Your Jurisdiction – In order to calculate & pay your tax, you need to first know the municipality under which your colony falls. Here is the link to the website of MCD through which you can get to know your jurisdiction. As mentioned above, there are three municipalities in Delhi and you’ll find the list of colonies under these three zones – SDMC, NDMC and EDMC.

Calculating Property Tax – Here is the link to the Delhi Government’s website through which you can calculate and pay your property tax – Link.

Click on Calculate Your House Tax on the link pasted above and choose your municipality under which your area falls – South Delhi Municipal Corporation or East Delhi Municipal Corporation. You will find various terms & conditions listed there, which you can read if you have time to do so. Just check the T&C box there and click on the tab to pay your property tax for the current financial year 2016-17.

Property ID – For you to pay your property tax online, you need to have a Property ID or Ledger Folio Number, which gets provided by the respective municipal corporations to their residents. You can find your Property ID on your previous years’ property tax challans/receipts.

However, even if you don’t have a property id or ledger folio number, you can still pay your tax directly through these links – SDMC, NDMC and EDMC.

UPIC Cards – To make the process easier, SDMC had started allotting Unique Property Identification Codes (UPIC) to the property owners in December 2015. While making your property tax payment this year, you’ll find an additional charge of Rs. 35 for a UPIC card. These UPIC cards will be issued to you this year and get delivered to your address in the coming days.

Use Factor & Property Tax Rates – Now you need to enter your Property ID in the space provided and it will take you to the page where you need to enter your personal details and property details. Residential and self-occupied properties will attract lower tax and commercial and let out properties will attract higher tax.

Also, you’ll have to pay a higher tax if your property falls in a posh urban area as compared to a rural area. Colonies/Areas have been categorised in eight different categories, from A to H, based on their locations and amenities available around. Property owners in Category A areas will have to pay a higher property tax as compared to Category B areas and likewise.

Here are the links to find the Use Factors and Property Tax Rates as per the end use of the property and its location – SDMC, NDMC and EDMC.

Finally, the property tax you need to pay will depend on the Annual Value of your property. Here is the formula for calculating the annual value:

Annual Value = Covered Area * Unit Area Value * Age Factor * Use Factor * Structure Factor * Occupancy Factor

Don’t get intimidated with this formula. You are not required to memorise this formula or do any manual calculations. You just need to put some basic details of your property and the system will do the harder work on its own. It will calculate the annual value, the amount of rebate, online payment rebate and all other figures as soon as you provide the inputs.

30% Rebate to Senior Citizens, Women, Physically Challenged & Ex-Servicemen – There are certain tax rebates which these corporations offer to certain categories of property owners. Here is the table having those categories of property owners:


Once the tax gets calculated, you just need to select the payment method and pay the tax and you are done. After the tax is paid, you’ll be asked to close the page as soon as possible. But, you would like to have a receipt/acknowledgement for the tax payment made. Don’t worry, here is the link to print your payment receipt – Payment Receipts Link

I hope this post makes it easy for you to pay your property tax online in Delhi. Please share it here if you have any query regarding property tax calculation or its payment or if you have any suggestion to make it an easier process for the property owners in Delhi.

93 thoughts on “MCD Property Tax – Calculating Tax, Online Payment, Past Payment Receipts & Other Relevant Info”

  1. Sir how much property tax of mine since 2008-2018 Hudson line GTB Nagar North Delhi. I paid conversion charge of departmental shop. The area is 8.5 square feet.

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