Interesting Reads – January 10th 2009

I have just been back from a long vacation in India and did quite a bit of reading this week. As far as I am concerned the main news has been the downfall of Mr. Raju and what is now being called as India’s Enron – The Accounting Fraud at Satyam.

I haven’t ever read any corporate confession, but the letter that Mr. Raju sent in to the Satyam board has got to be one of the most poignant and gripping confession letters of all time. Have a read if you will.

There have been quite a few other interesting reads, and I list some of them here:

  1. Ten Mortgage Tips from Plugged in Finance: Plugged in Finance writes about ten great tips that have been learnt over the years.
  2. Socially Responsible Investing from Moolanomy: Here is something you don’t hear a lot about – Socially Responsible Investing.
  3. Ten Facts about Bankruptcy from USA in Debt: Times are tough and this advice may be helpful to a few unlucky.
  4. Penny Jobs discusses the Buy and Hold Strategy: Always good to hear the other side of the argument.
  5. Where did the 2008 Losses go by My Wealth Builder: A lot of people have lost a lot of money last year. A discussion on where this money went.
  6. Studying Business Cycles by The Digerati Life: One of my favorite blogs on business cycles.
  7. Investing with small amounts – Stocks or Mutual Funds by Sun: Be sure to read this post and specially the comments on it.
  8. 20 Tips on Being Successful in the New Year by Lazy Man and Money: An interesting read about success tips.
  9. Tips for keeping the auditors away by Invesmint: With the tax season setting in, this post makes a useful read.

And finally, you know you are in a recession: When the porn industry asks for a bailout.

4 thoughts on “Interesting Reads – January 10th 2009”

  1. Thank you! I am glad that you like it.

    Socially Responsible Investing and Unabashed Capitalism may or may not go together.

    My thoughts on the concept aren’t firm and I like to explore this idea as much as possible.

  2. Manshu,

    Thanks for the great roundup! I’ll be checking out the items here. Nice to see that Pinyo talks about socially responsible investing. I agree that it isn’t discussed much, as most investors invest for maximum returns (regardless of where the money goes).

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