Economy and your Finances Carnival- June 21, 2009

Venice Carnival Masks by Crystian Cruz
The carnival has been getting more and more entries, and although it has become a lot more time consuming than I had originally thought it would be, I enjoy reading the entries too much to stop.

I get an email when someone submits an entry and it is at that time that I go and read the post. When I am putting up the carnival, I just go by memory and select the posts that I liked reading.

So, here you are with this week’s carnival. Have a great Sunday folks!


PFCreditCards presents Zero Balance Transfer Credit Card Offers posted at PF Credit Cards, saying, “0% balance transfer credit cards are a great way to free interest and excel your way back to become debt free. Here are two options you should consider.”

Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents Best Zero Percent Balance Transfer Credit Cards posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “Make or save money with a 0% balance transfer credit card offer.”

Silicon Valley Blogger presents myFICO To Drop Experian Credit Score and Report: One Less FICO Score posted at The Digerati Life

MoneyNing presents Multiple Ways to Skin Zero Balance Transfer Credit Cards posted at Money Ning, saying, “0 balance transfer credit cards aren’t just for getting free money through online savings accounts! It really does help you pay off your debt quicker!”

Four Pillars presents Dave Ramsey Debt Snowball Method Of Debt Repayment posted at Quest For Four Pillars, saying, “An indepth look at the Dave Ramsey snowball debt method.”


Gavin R. Putland presents From the subprime to the terrigenous: Recession begins at home posted at LVRG Blog, saying, “The Great Recession was not entirely Made In USA.”

nissim ziv presents How to Negotiate a Job Offer: Salary Negotiations tips posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, “Discussing the salary during an interview is quite complicated and intricate. This article suggests some salary negotiation tips before and after receiving the job offer”

Super Saver presents Next Generation Bailout Acronyms posted at My Wealth Builder.

BankMan presents Ten banks paying back TARP early posted at High Yield Savings Accounts, saying, “Ten banks paying back TARP early – which should free up more money for loans to people and businesses.”

Len Penzo presents 18 Crazy Things You Didn’t Know About the National Debt posted at Len Penzo . Com.

Susan Saverton presents Living Expense Tracking Methods posted at Pasadena Financial Planner, saying, “If you do not understand how much you spend and how much you are saving and investing, you simply do not have a financial plan. This situation dramatically increases your family’s long-term financial risk.”


Mark Wolfinger presents Options for Rookies: Covered Straddles posted at Options for Rookies

Investing School presents A Great Inflation Indicator posted at Investing School, saying, “Here’s a seldom talked about but great inflation indicator. Check out the video.”

ABC presents Safe withdrawal rate for retirement funds – 4% rule posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, “How much can you withdraw from your portfolio in retirement? The 4% safe withdrawal rule explained.”

Kristjan presents Long Term Investing Is NOT Dead posted at Personal Development for Awesome People.

Gerald Connor presents Investing Wisely on Capitola Beach Homes; Capitola California posted at Capitola Beach Homes.

Dividend Tree presents Microsoft – Brankrupt of New Ideas? posted at Dividend Tree, saying, “Microsoft has loads of cash, and it continues to generate lots of cash. But it only knows how to waste it. It is for these reasons I am wary of considering it a potential dividend growth company”

Patrick @ Military Money presents Tax Advantages of 529 Plans posted at Military Finance Network, saying, “Tax advantages for the 529 College Savings plan.”

The Smarter Wallet presents Fibonacci Retracement: A Technical Stock Tool To Predict Market Direction posted at The Smarter Wallet,

Zach Scheidt presents Aggressive Move puts BlackRock in ETF Business posted at ZachStocks, saying, “BlackRock, Inc. (BLK) has agreed to purchase the Barclays division which controls iShares for $13.5 billion. The deal could change the landscape for individual and institiutional investors.”

Puneet Kapoor presents THE CHICKEN HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST posted at KuberKhana -Indian Stock Fundamental Analysis, saying, “Why are the simple things in life, so difficult to see.”

Kim Greenblatt presents Keep Depression Start Up Costs Low posted at profitable, saying, “When investing in your own business, especially in this Depression, you need to watch what you are spending. You can make a business work as in the example in the article. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Kim Isaac Greenblatt”

Jeff Rose presents What’s in a Number? Choosing a Withdrawal Rate for Your Retirement Assets posted at Jeff Rose.

Paul Riccola presents How To Find A FInancial Professional | Money Manager posted at Money Manager.

Personal Finance

The Dough Roller presents 0% APR Balance Transfer for 12 Months posted at The Dough Roller, saying, “While balance transfer offers are fast disappearing, here is on of the last remaining 12-month 0% APR balance transfer deals left.”

Nash Dadameah presents Investment-Linked Insurance – the best of both worlds posted at, saying, “This is an introduction to Investment-Linked Insurance. It is a popular life insurance where you can invest and get protection (insurance) at the same time.”

Renee V. Rouse presents Frugal-Living-Skills Blog: Family Meals for Under $5 – Tater Tot Casserole posted at Frugal-Living-Skills Blog, saying, “”…Weekly grocery circulars often read “feed a family of 4 for under $10!”. I’m sure most of you have laughed at this as I did. As a result, I began to wonder what does dinner really cost for my family of 8? So I set a challenge for myself and I figured if I kept it under $5, I was doing good…”” presents Weird Credit Card Trend: More Defaults, Fewer Delinquencies posted at SpendOnLife, saying, “Comments on credit card default and delinquency trends.”

Relax presents Do we have to worry about inflation? posted at The Wise Curve, saying, “What if a hamburger costs about 20 Euro?”

Wren Caulfield presents Safety First: Bike Safety for Commuters posted at True Adventures in Money Hacking, saying, “Save money and the planet–commute by bike!”

Lazy Man and Money presents SEP IRA: Self-Employed Retirement Plans posted at Lazy Man and Money.

Patricia Turner presents 100 Awesome Grocery Tricks for a Healthy Home and Wallet posted at Becoming A Radiologist.

Credit Shout presents Good Debt vs Bad Debt posted at CreditShout.

Patricia Turner presents How to Become a Good Court Reporter posted at Court Reporter Schools.

Tiffany Colter presents Time for Personal Responsibility posted at Hidden Leaks, saying, “Find out how taking responsibility in your personal finances impacts the economy and your life for the better!”

Abigail Perry presents Mixed marriages: When savers and spenders unite posted at i pick up pennies, saying, “How to reconcile partners’ different financial priorities and goals.”

Noload Bonds presents Bond Mutual Fund Fees posted at Bond Market Index Funds, saying, “Simply put, if you pay higher bond mutual fund fees, then these bond management expenses tend just to be a deadweight loss to you. The best bond fund buying strategy is to pick only very low-cost no load bond funds.”

Leave Debt Behind presents How to Develop Budgeting for The Family Vacation posted at Leave Debt Behind.

Ben presents Stock Dividends 101 posted at Money Smart Life.

Matthew Paulson presents How to Develop a Plan to Repay your Credit Card Debt posted at American Consumer News.

Debt Freedom Fighter presents Increase Your Savings with 5 Simple Tips posted at Discover Debt Freedom!.

Alvina Lopez presents 100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists posted at Rated Colleges.

Deposit Accounts presents Don’t Forget to Plan for Windfall Money posted at Deposit Accounts.

Tushar Mathur presents When It Pays To Use Cash For Purchases posted at Everything Finance, saying, “For years there have been many consumers who have charged through life (pun intended) putting any and all expenses on their trusty credit card. Roughly half of those consumers managed their accounts responsibly and benefited from the many perks associated with using their credit card and paying the balance in full each month. The other half….well many of those people are dealing with the fall out from the economy and struggling with high levels of debt.”

Britannica Blog presents Dayton, Ohio: Final Fortune 500 Company Abandons City posted at Britannica Blog, saying, “At the turn of the last century, Dayton, Ohio, was something akin to the Silicon Valley of its day. It was the home to the Wright brothers, of course, as well as Charles Kettering, the automotive genius who would develop so many innovations that allowed General Motors to become the dominant player in a new industry. And the backbone of all this was the National Cash Register Co. (NCR), founded by John Henry Patterson.”

kathryn presents Finding Affordable Health Insurance posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, “Health insurance has been making the news a lot since Obama became President. There is concern for those families (particularly children) that are currently living without health insurance because of the rising costs. The good news is that you can still find affordable health insurance if you take a little time to look around.”

Pankaj Gupta presents How to Get a Free Business Degree? (with Open Courseware) posted at Best online accounting degrees.

Chris McClelland presents Tighter Credit Permanent? posted at Lucrative Investing.


Top 10 Index Funds presents Top 10 S and P 500 Index Funds posted at NO LOAD INDEX FUND, saying, “Buy these top 10 very low cost no load S&P 500 index mutual funds directly. You do not have to pay the heavy added expenses of buying through a stock broker, financial adviser, investment adviser, or investment counselor.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

5 thoughts on “Economy and your Finances Carnival- June 21, 2009”

  1. Pingback: Happy Father's Day
  2. Thanks for including us in your carnival, we hope that we can supply you with more great articles for your readers.

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