Economy and your Finances Carnival – July 18 2009

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Welcome to this edition of the carnival, I hope you are having a good Sunday and enjoy the articles here. Thanks to all the bloggers who contributed.


Credit Shout presents Credit Card Hardship Programs posted at CreditShout.


Paul Kamp presents Jevon’s Paradox, and More Ado About Gas Taxes posted at Don’t Quit Your Day Job – Personal Finance, Economics and Investing, saying, “I wrote this economics article about Jevon’s paradox and its applications to current debate on limiting fossil fuel consumption. In a nutshell, increased fuel efficiency will also increase fuel usage, and only increased cost can limit utilization. ”

Toni Graybill presents Welcome to My World of Wealth posted at Wealth, saying, “What is wealth? What is the key to happiness?”

Steven Chang presents Hyperinflation: Doomsday? – Money Blog – Money Making Tips & Money Management posted at Money Making Tips and Money Management.


Darwin presents High Yield Corporate Bond List – Yielding over 8% | Darwin’s Finance posted at Darwin’s Finance, saying, “This article highlights 15 high yield corporate bonds from quality companies paying over 8% for just staying in business.”

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Free Stock Charting Tool To Check Stocks, Chart Market Trends posted at The Digerati Life.

The Smarter Wallet presents Learn How To Invest: Develop An Investment Plan posted at The Smarter Wallet

ABC presents Different Types of Stock Market Indexes posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, “How different types of stock market indexes work.”

Personal Finance

Lazy Man and Money presents Wealth Creation: Is it a Myth? posted at Lazy Man and Money.

The Dough Roller presents versus–Where to get your free credit report posted at The Dough Roller, saying, “Want your free credit report? Makes sure you go to the right website, or you could pay an arm and a leg.”

Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents Ally Bank Review posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “A comprehensive review of Ally Bank – formerly known as GMAC Financial. The high interest rates make Ally a great place to stash your cash while awaiting a better investment opportunity.”

Patrick @ Money Saving Deals presents Free Coldplay Live Album Download posted at Cash Money Life Deals, saying, “Get a free download of Coldplay’s new live album!”

Patrick @ Military Money presents Beware of Cash For Clunkers Scams posted at Military Finance Network, saying, “Tips on how to avoid Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) or Cash for Clunkers Bill scams.”

Ryan Suenaga presents Who Benefits from Low Interest Rates? posted at Uncommon Cents.

Joshua presents Re-Using For The Family Budget posted at Family and Parenting, saying, “Recycling is not only good for the environment but also good for your family finances.”

ChristianPF presents The step-by-step process of building a house posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “steps we have taken while building our house…”

Super Saver presents Has this Recession Changed our Children? posted at My Wealth Builder.

Matthew Paulson presents Consumers Confidence Shaken by Recalls posted at American Consumer News.

Savings Toolbox presents Handling Your Cash Without Technology posted at Savings Toolbox. presents When Free Costs You Cash posted at Credit Card Assist.

Leave Debt Behind presents Is there Such a Thing as a Free Debt Consolidation Company posted at Leave Debt Behind.

Ben presents Credit Report Disputes posted at Money Smart Life.

Oliver Kennett presents Stocks and shares: What you need to get started posted at Star spray, saying, “In this economic climate people are looking for a good way to either protect their hard earned cash, or make that little pile of Benjamin’s blossom into a mountain range of equity.”

kathryn presents Banks Increase Overdraft Fees; How to Prevent Them posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, “The New York Times is reporting that several banks have recently upped a host of fees. Everything from balance transfers to ATM withdrawals are costing customers more. Overdraft fees also continue to rise.”

Master Your Card presents My Top 8 Financial Resources Just Starting Out posted at Master Your Card, saying, “When I first sat down and realized that I needed to take my financial situation more seriously, I also realized I wasn’t going to be able to do it by myself. I really had no clue what I was doing or how to go about doing it. So, I looked into different resources as a guide to help me figure myself out. None of these are in any particular order, by the way.”

Chris McClelland presents Estate lessons we can all learn from Michael Jackson posted at Lucrative Investing.


Puneet Kapoor presents THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS : TATA INVESTMENT CORP posted at KuberKhana -Indian Stock Fundamental Analysis, saying, “A stock for the laidback, passive investor.”

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