Bad publicity, L&T bonds and MOIL Issue Price

One of the strangest stories that I’ve read in quite some time is how one online retailer is (or was?) using bad publicity to boost his business online.

The way Google works is that they place a lot of weight on sites linking back to you. So, if New York Times publishes a story, and I link to them that is a small credit to NYT in the eyes of Google because a small blog has linked back to them. If on the other hand a big publication like NYT links to OneMint that is a big credit to OneMint because an established online entity has linked to it. So, the reputation as well as number of back links make a big difference when judging if a particular story should be displayed in search results or not, and what it’s order should be.

An online retailer started harassing people deliberately in a bid to get them to write bad reviews about them, which will have links back to his store, and help his store rise in search rankings, and trick other people to buy from him who don’t actually bother to read the reviews! He even goes as far as to threaten the customers, and doesn’t seem like he cares much.

The story is quite fascinating, and a little strange as well. Google’s response is also interesting, but not as much as the original story.

Now, let me share a really awesome video with you which shows the world history in the last 200 years in terms of life expectancy and average income. It goes in the way of a 3D animated graph, and I won’t be able to do justice to it if I describe it more, so watch for yourself.

On to other stuff – Reader Ravi has reported that he got an SMS about the credit of L&T Infrastructure bonds yesterday, so please check your demat accounts in the days to come, and leave a comment if you see that the bonds are credited because that will help other people know what’s going on there.

The MOIL issue price has been fixed at Rs. 375, and according to Business Standard, the listing is likely to be around December 15h.

For all the news about how retail investors are exiting mutual funds – 2010 was the most profitable year for mutual funds.

I’m sure you’ve read about the new Document Information Number (DIN), and I wanted to post about it too, but Raag has done a good post about what it is, and what it means to you.

Some out of the box Retirement Income Options by the Digerati Life.

Enjoy your Sunday!

7 thoughts on “Bad publicity, L&T bonds and MOIL Issue Price”

  1. Also see the growth progression of India, US, UK, China and Japan from 1858 to 2014 (2009 – 2014prediction using IMF data) using Trendalyzer.
    His graph compares per capita income, life expectancy and population of the respective countries. He predicts that India’s per capita income will be equal to the per capita income of US and UK on July 27th, 2048 @

    1. Interesting….India is about 1100 & US 46K right now as per quick and dirty Wiki estimates. So if India grows at about 10.3% for the next 38 years India will be at 46K in 2048. Of course US will also grow in that time period….

      Haven’t seen the video yet, will check it out later…thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Dhruva – I haven’t seen the videos, and in fact it’s only last week that I came to know about him. He does a lot of interesting work, so this link will come in handy. Thanks!

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